Last night we had 5 people over and it was a good time. Kailey wasn't sure what to make of all of this but managed to be charming with smiles and such. She wasn't her total giggling smiling bubbly self (I guess a girl cannot be that 24/7) lol... as she was taking it all in. She sat in her Bumbo chair for a while just watching people. She drank her bottle right up at 8:30pm and then was in bed sleeping at 10pm and we didn't hear a thing from her until 7:30 this morning. I was surprised at how easy it was to put her to bed with all the noise but I turned up the humidifier to high for noise and it didn't phase her at all. It was nice to relax and talk to adults. We were up until 1am just gabbing. I thought I would be tired today but I am A-ok. She looked rather cute in her Roots "Give Peace a Chance' vintage T-shirt....hahaha. The outfit was complete with pink bunny slippers.
She had a bath this morning because I held her to me (tummy to tummy) after her bottle and was walking down the stairs to the kitchen when she threw up (not just spit up) all down my chest and completely soaked me (yuck). Into the tub she went after I changed and wiped myself up with baby wipes - I was very thankful for the wipes warmer!!! She was soooo happy after that. It seems that she cleans her system out once in a while and this time I took the brunt of it.