Here are some pictures of some Father Daughter bonding time taken this morning. She loves this game (Bouncy Tummy Game) and is full of smiles and giggles. Jack has to flex his tummy muscles to keep her bouncing so it is quite a work out for him. I do the same thing, but she is on her stomach...she loves it. I am a little worried that one day there may be a spit up incident and it would land in my face....hmmmm. I guess we will cross that bridge when it comes. As you can see Zoe would love nothing more than to park herself on Jack too for the bouncing game. She actually loves watching this game, it is like TV for her. She knows she is not allowed to lick her (when we are watching that is...all bets are off when we turn our backs apparently) so she stays back and licks the air around her...hahaha. The love she has for her has not worn off at all. This dog is in serious looooove. Kailey likes her too though as she is always smiling at her first thing in the morning when we go into the nursery to feed her. If we cannot find Zoe she is usually in front of her crib snoozing when Kailey is napping. I am so glad/relieved that the dogs have adjusted so well to having her around. I think the only one that has his nose out of joint is Prince Marley....oh well. He has warmed up to her but is not impressed at the amount of time I spend with her.

Now that I have a TV in the front room I am spending most of my time up there and the dogs are not allowed on the leather so that doesn't impress him. :-) It is nice having a dog-free furniture zone as we are able to lay her/sit her on the couches with us and not have to worry. I was watching a show and she was sitting beside me watching it too...I looked over at her and she looked up at me and smiled and I turned my head back to the TV and she did too....I was hysterical. She cracks me up at least 20 times a day with her funny faces and antics and it is only going to get better!!!
Oh yeah...her favorite cartoon is The Three Little Pigs!!!