This is one of the first things I bought when I found out we were having a girl. It just goes to show you how little I knew about newborn sizing since I assumed this would fit right away...I am glad my perception was totally off mind you as she is 12.5 weeks and 13 lbs and it finally fits her. I just love this fancy sleeper and I think she knows she looks fabulous in it as well. Here is a question....when does it become obnoxious to always comment on how cute your child is? Have I already crossed that line? I am sure I am at least edging near that line but I figure whoever is reading this is either family or really close friends (Jackie I am thinking of you...lol) and they will cut me some slack. ;-) I went to visit Jackie today and she gave me crap for not updating the BLOG daily. I guess people really do read this. I was hoping I wasn't boring you all with the little goings on in our lives. Some days it seems nothing much is happening but I will be sure to make an effort to put something on here....