1/Mega breakthrough ref. tummy time. You will notice in the picture a little girl lifting her head and sporting a rather pleasant look on her face...that little girl is my Kailey!! (no kidding...who else would it be on this site...just humor me). She is now accepting and liking being on her tummy. The photo is kind of crummy because it was taken between the bars of her crib. I put a Winnie the pooh TV that her Gido got her before she was born up on rails and she is so curious about it she really pushes her head up to watch it. This is a major step considering a few weeks ago she would plant her nose and scream while on her belly. She will now have 'supervised' naps on her tummy and really gets a kick out of laying on my chest and looking at my face (of course I am making all sorts of crazy faces to keep her interested).
2/ She will now stay in her Bumbo for 20 min stretches without getting tired or bored. She has discovered her feet and if she is wearing socks I will take them off and she can entertain herself by watching her toes wiggle. She sits upright with no effort and gets a good workout whipping her head back and forth when she is in the middle of Jack and I when we are eating. I swear she looks at our food and wishes she was getting some of it rather than the same ol' thing. Notice her sleeper??? This is one of the many outfits Grandma and Grandpa from California got for her. I looove this as she is so cuddly warm in it. It is thick terry cloth on the outside and warm fleece on the inside. It is quite big on her still but I rather stay ahead of the game and have her get a ton of wear out of her clothes. I learnt my lesson as she only wore some things once or twice and that was it :-(.
3/ Bath time: Dad and Diane shipped her Christmas gifts and we got them yesterday. What a ton of really cool things. I cannot wait for her to fit her Las Vegas M&M outfit, it is too funny. One of the shirts is from Animal Kingdom and it is a Winnie the Pooh looking at a real Tiger saying Tigger is that you? really cute. One of the gifts that we have put to use already is a set of rubber duckies, oh and her play cell phone. So her new goal in the tub is to see how many ducks she can kick overboard whilst soaking the heck out of me and the bathroom. I was cracking up the entire time. She managed to kick 2 little ducks overboard but despite massive attempts was unable to kick the large duck over. I am thinking of moving her tub to the big tub next time. She still managed to find time to stare approvingly at herself mind you.
*More pictures from today on the photobucket site.*