it has been so long since the last update but I am here now to update everyone on Miss Kailey's first Christmas. I was very nervous about driving the long three hour drive alone with her, but the morning came and I strapped her into her bucket and off we went. She didn't make one peep the entire trip down and offered a quick smile to Uncle Colin and Nan when we did make it. She quickly drank her bottle and we set up the Kaliey 'camp'.

I cannot believe how much stuff we ended up packing and, minus a few outfits, she used it all. I couldn't deprive her of her favorite thing in the world during the the swing came along. lol She surprised me and adjusted to life away from home like a champ. She even extended her night sleep by one hour (5:30am). That however was short lived when she discovered how awesome her little voice can be. She loved to talk to herself and giggle and fake cough for a good portion of the night. Had she been in a different room I would have slept through that but she made it very obvious that the conversations she was having were important enough that we had to Thankfully she didn't fuss so it was a matter of her talking herself back to sleep. Cute and funny now but at the time it was a tad annoying. I think the funniest thing that happened is one morning when she woke up and I held her under the light I noticed her hair had obviously kidding, I am not the only one that noticed. I am not talking it's time for a haircut by any stretch but she quite obviously sprouted some glorious golden blonde The other thing that she really developed were her smiling muscles this trip. This little girl is a real charmer and loves to do a whole body smile. A highlight of mine was her hanging out with her cousin Robbie for the first time.

It was so funny how they looked at each other. Robbie even reached out and wanted to touch was hilarious. I will post those photos as soon as I get the pictures (not taken with my camera). She got to meet her Great Nan (Nana), Bill, Char, Ron & Julie, Brad, Sharon, Sydney and Carson and her Auntie Heather, Uncle Colin & baby cousin Robbie for the first time.

She was a trooper being passed around and got a real kick out of Julie's sparkly Christmas sweater. I honestly cannot believe how fast she changes. Her voice, strength in her neck, and of course the hair thing are the major noticeable changes. She loved the action of being passed around and was only over-stimulated twice. Another thing she has now is bad dreams (at least it would appear that way). She was fussing so I went to check on her and put my hand on her and she almost jumped out of her skin and out came the lip...bigger and bigger until she was screaming. She would calm down and it would appear she would re-live it and freak out all over again. Truly tore my heart out to see her in this state...poor thing. Although she slept through most of the Christmas festivities she made some serious love connections that mean the world to us. Thanks to everyone for all the very thoughtful Christmas gifts and welcome to the world gifts ;-). It was such a cool thing to see her name on packages... and to think, last Christmas how I wanted this and thought it would never happen. She is the most amazing and funny little girl and it is an honor to watch her grow every second. Her personality only sweetens the deal...
I am posting a bunch of pictures from the photo shoot I did with her and some from Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. More will follow when I get my hands on the pictures. As you can see by the one picture...she has a sense of humor. hahaha. "say cheese".
p.s. a ton more pictures of Nan and baby, Nana & baby, The two cousins hanging out together plus more when I get my hands on those pictures. :-)