What a busy time we had yesterday. We took Kailey 'on tour'. The usual hot spots in Cold Lake: The mall,
wal-mart & the car wash!!! Wow. She loved it though. She thought it was totally hilarious when we were trying shoes on her. She had this massive belly laugh every time we picked her foot up. She was awake for most of it and didn't seem to mind being taken in and out of the car seat and into the stroller. She really likes riding in the stroller like a big girl....so much more freedom I guess. We put her in a Roots blanket track suit that she got for Christmas from Char, Ron and Cousin Julie and it was perfect. Thanks guys!! I remember opening this and thinking, WOW....she has a while before she wears this....
hahahaha. We did an 'oops' with the time change. I forgot to change the truck clock so we were actually an hour and half past her normal feeding time. What a little trooper. She totally inhaled the bottle when we got home though and then later totally threw up all over her crib, she even managed to get the bumper pads. :-( All this action at 10pm when she was just closing her eyes for sleep. Poor thing.

Not sure if it was gas from the earlier bottle or the time had come to clear her system out. Who knows. She ended up spending the night next to me in her playpen and she slept great. I, of course, had Insomnia and was trying to toss and turn quietly so I didn't wake her up. It was awesome being able to look in at her. She goes for her 2
nd set of shots tomorrow and I am not looking forward to that, but I cannot wait to see how long she is. I tell her she has a model's body...like
She totally loves being in just a shirt and onsie so she can check her toes out!!!
I tried to get a video of her laughing at the dogs wrestling by my feet while she was in the snugli. Totally hilarious and all they have to do is start playing and she laughs like crazy. Her laughing gets them in performance mode so everyone is tired after this. I had tears running down my face listening to her. I caught the tail end of her laugh. Click the link below.