Have you ever tried to trim a baby's toe nails??? My God that is not easy. She kicks likes crazy pretty well all waking hours so I tried to trim them in the bathtub after she was tired from all the splashing. I managed, but give me a squirmy puppy any day.
The pictures are of Kailey in her new long john style PJ's. She saw cousin Robbie in some (plumber butt and all) and she thought she might like to try a pair. (It helps me justify getting her something she totally doesn't need if I talk in the third person). They are so cute and she loves them. Very stretchy soft cotton. The best part in Kailey's eyes is the fact that she has bare feet...ahhhh...stretch those little piglets K-Bear. She will be the toddler that yanks her socks off for sure. It would appear that most of her pictures as of late are her jamming her fist or bib in her mouth. Teething has begun. Red (almost blistered looking) cheeks, buckets of drool, gums that swell and the need to shove EVERYTHING in her mouth.

I gave Zoe a 'pet'icure today. (shop talk for a paw clean up). I trimmed all the fur around her paws top and bottom and did her nails and she looks like a million bucks. The poor thing was coming in from outside carrying a ton of snow in her feet so the time had come. She loved the attention and just sprawled out with her eyes closed while I worked away at her. She is an amazing dog and Kailey just totally adores her. That, believe it or not, was very therapeutic for me too.
Of course, I forgot the camera yesterday. :-(