Today I took Kailey for a walk in the stroller sans infant bucket. She looooved it and then fell asleep of course. hahaha. The weather was awesome today, about +5, so I thought I better seize the moment before the next cold snap hits. I had every intention of taking her to the mall but with the new adjustments I made to the car seat I think we are out of expansion room and she was sporting a polar fleece top today. She may be too big for this bucket now. I will get Jack to take a peak at it. I had to adjust the shoulder strap height to the top and that may have taken up too much of the strapping. It seemed fine yesterday so I must have done something wrong. I know this is a smaller bucket than most of the Gracos and at the time I thought it would be more supportive for her so I didn't care....I guess I should have taken a closer look. The manual says that if your child is not 22 lbs (she is definitely not) but no further adjustments can be made then you can switch the system to a three point harness. There is a ton of give when I do this but the 5 point system is what the 'masses' say it the best. She also has that bulky bunting bag in there too so that may have to go. I just wanted the bucket to last to the end of winter then we were going to upgrade to the real thing. Pleeeeeease Kailey bear hold off getting bigger for just a few short months. hahahaha. I am getting sick of lifting her and the bucket together, so maybe this is a sign. Also, being cooped up in this for a three hour drive to Edmonton may be too uncomfortable. I am so glad I can share my internal debates with you all. hahahaha.

Anyway, she loved the walk and didn't cry at all being dressed up in a ton of layers. I think I may have gone a little overboard as she was a little sweaty when we got back. What a mess it is out there...so much slush now. I took a few pictures so you all could appreciate the difficulty one would have pushing a stroller through all of this snow!!!
Yesterday we went to the Courtney House by the beach for the first time since she was born so the owner and a couple of the girls got to see her AWAKE and smiling. We then headed off to The Woof Inn to big up her big hairy brother Marley from being groomed. Snugli dancing was also part of the day too. I caved and ordered one with lumbar support because this is really casing my neck, shoulders and back to ache. OUCH!!!