Kailey had her second set of shots this afternoon and I swear she remembered from last time. She was awesome in the waiting room and even made friends with a 6 mth old baby. She was full of smiles and gabbing to pretty well anyone that made eye contact with her. When we were called we started down the hallway to the exam room and I noticed she was tensing up in my arms and I thought it was just my imagination. The minute we stepped through the door into the room the screaming started. Blood curdling, inconsolable, massive tears, red faced screaming began and didn't stop until Jack took her out of the room to calm her down so the Nurse could talk to me. He brought her back in the room and she went crazy. This was all before the needles!!! It was obvious she wasn't going to calm down so the Nurse continued with her exam. Kailey peed on the scale for her too!!! hahahaha. What was nice was all this screaming meant for a really quick discussion time. Thank you Kailey Bear!! I didn't have to hear about nursing or any of that other stuff. I am sure the nurse was thinking....wow...must get screaming kid outta here fast.
I ended up getting a needle too. I was cornered so I caved....hahaha. I am good until 2017 now.:-(
The nurse said there was no way she could remember, but by the end of the visit she was convinced she actually did. She calmed down in the waiting room and by the time I was driving home with her she was admiring herself in the mirror and giggling. When we got home all the dogs wanted to sniff her and she broke out into massive belly laughs. She drank a 7 oz. bottle and is napping right now....awwwww. The picture in the sleeper was taken right after getting home from her shots!!! The snugli one was taken yesterday but it was too funny not to share. Look at all that drool.
So here are her stats:
2.5 mths
weight: 13.4 lbs
height: 23.5"
head: 40
approx 4.5 mths (10 days shy of 5 mths)
weight: 16.8 lbs
height: 27" (not accurate though as Kailey was in a kicking fit) ;-)
head: 42.6
She is off the charts for height if this is accurate and is maintaining the 90th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for head circumference. She was very happy with her progress and told us to definitely wait until 6 months for cereal as she is actually drinking less than she figured for her age so she doesn't need it. She made a comment about her head and I told her the Dr. said it is nothing to worry about and that was the end of that.