I haven't updated the site yet this week as I have some sort of cold/flu thing and I am just starting to feel better. Thankfully Kailey did not get this bug. It is very hard to look after a little one when you are sick as a dog. I am so lucky she is such a good baby.
Sunday afternoon I had to work registration for the dog club (likely where I caught this bug) so that meant that Jack would be alone with Kailey for approx. three hours. You could see the fear on his face when I was getting ready because the last time what a total nightmare as you all remember. I came home after being gone for almost 4 hours and they both we smiling. Jack had her in the snugli and they were rocking out to Disney music. hahaha. She was awesome for him and I was totally relieved....Phew.

-There is no such thing as an 'inside voice'. Loud squeals and babble fill all four levels of this house and the dogs have nowhere to hide anymore...hahaha.
-As quick as I do up her diaper she pulls the tabs off opening it up....grrrrrr. Of course she is smiling the entire time too.
-She likes drinking water (like a puppy) from a glass. She gets so excited in the snugli if I had a glass in my had she shakes her head back and forth and shoves her hand in her mouth. I hold the glass up and she 'attacks' it and out comes the tongue.