I slept through the night without one wake up/Insomnia issue whatsoever. I guess all that snugli dancing really payed off. If that is what did it you know I will be strapping on Miss K and jiving all day long. I was totally beat last night but feeling so good. Maybe the lack of physical activity (no dog classes, no long walks) really caused me some grief. I figured running around after her was enough exercise but I guess not. This was the best sleep I have had in the last 2 months!! I feel so different, so alert and my nagging headache is gone for now. I am hoping I am not jinxing myself here but I had to share.
I also wanted to share these pictures of Kailey taken first thing this morning when she was waking up. This is the face that I get the pleasure of seeing every morning. She is always happy and smiling when I peek in at her. She 'tells' me all about her night and the dreams she may have had. I love this time with her. She is at her best first thing in the morning. The other picture is of her telling me to put the camera down and feed her...stat. hahaha.
I also learned a really good lesson about making the kissy face within her arms reach. She grabbed a hold of my lips and wouldn't let go. She twisted the one so bad I thought for sure it would be swollen. UMMMMM...yeah....note to self. I should know she is always a little wild after her bath when I am towelling her off and getting her ready for her massage. Wow, would it ever be nice to have this star treatment. lol
Here is a video of her with the hiccups and her telling me how totally annoyed she is with them.!!