First off....Kailey is ok.
Thursday night I gave her Isomil, (Soy product) that she was on and tolerated before, for the last two bottles. She drank the first one around 5:30pm and loved it. She downed about 6 oz. and was rolling her eyes back in enjoyment the entire time. The next bottle all hell broke loose. While she was drinking this bottle the vomiting started. Basically she threw up the days worth of milk in one shot. I knew she was due for her routine (every week and a half) purge and I assumed this was it. I was wrong. In one hour she threw up 7 times. The last couple were straight bile and I have never seen projectile vomit like this before from her. I freaked out as her whole body was heaving and trying to get rid of everything in her. She was very frightened and was sobbing. Just when I thought there could possibly be no more to throw up she managed another round. We took her into emergency and she threw up there a couple more times and the doctor took a look at her and told us that she has a massive build up of phlem in her tummy that caused this. He said the Isomil had nothing to do with it....while I believe the theory of too much mucus in her system

I do think the Isomil contributed to this as it is a thicker feed than what she is used to so mixed with phlem, her body had no choice but to purge. She was not running a fever and her lungs are clear. I told him about her diapers and he feels that she has a problem with mucus developing and building up and that is why she needs to purge and starts to refuse bottles once there is too much in her tummy. Milk Intolerance causes excess mucus, stomach pain, wheezing/coughing....she basically fits the bill for everything but skin rashes. He recommends Soy. We got home from the hospital around 11pm and she was sound asleep. She didn't even wake up when we brought her in and took her out of her snowsuit. She slept until 6:30. She was totally empty but more exhausted I guess. Poor thing. Being totally freaked out about the Isomil we got her the Good Start AlSOY and this mixed up way thinner that the other and it still has the Omegas. She downed 6.5 oz of this at 8am and she kept it down. We will see how she does with her next bottle. I knew there was something not right with her feeding but do you think any of those boob Nazi heath nurses would believe me???? Because she is a good size and gaining weight nobody even bothered to listen to the fact that, like clockwork, we would have to fight with her to take her bottle every other week. They all said that I was trying to feed her when she wasn't hungry. Oh but don't let her fall below 20 oz./day. Oh and no solids until 6 months period. Then I get the ...why isn't she on solids? from the on call Dr. Thursday. You would think that Nurses and Dr.'s would be on the same page. They totally contradict each other. I pray that this works for her. She is a really happy baby and a perfect sleeper but feeding her is a total nightmare. :-( I guess it proves what a nice nature she has because most kids would be very cranky with a chronic tummy ache.
I will keep you posted!!
On another note....
This is the sweater and hat that her Nana made for her for Easter. Soooooo cute. She wasn't really in the mood for a photo shoot as she was wanting a nap so I will post a better picture for her 5 month photo to the right. :-)