Well, she must be back feeling like a million baby bucks because she has been laughing from the time she got up this morning until now!! She takes short breaks for eating and sleeping. She is one happy little chicky poo. We took her to the movie rental place with us last night so that is another first for her. It has been 5 months since we rented anything so it was very easy for a change to find a few movies we haven't seen. She really likes going to new places so she was all big eyes and smiles. This is funny....Jack just walked by the computer room with her looking like a Kailey pancake. She was totally out with arms dangling to the side and a binky installed, I guess all her laughing tired her out. ;-)

She is totally into the Jumperoo now and loves the fact that she is more at eye level with the dogs. They perform for her and she starts bouncing and squealing. This is a pretty good action shot I took the other day. I also like this picture because you can get a good look at how long her legs are now. She also loves jumping in a dress as I guess it provides more freedom of movement. At one point she pulled her dress over her head and was jumping.

This is her new snugli that provides a ton more support that is supposed to eliminate back problems and be a more comfortable ride for the baby. It has a padded piece that goes around my waist to support my back. It seems to be working out quite well. It also has adjustable leg openings so if she is wearing a bulkier outfit or just tights it is way more comfortable for her. This is good until she is 26 lbs. , although I cannot see packing her around when she is that big.
I took little Parker out for a loooong walk this afternoon and it was very very icy out. We got just enough snow this am for the ice to be covered up so each step is a surprise. I managed to stay upright but Parker wiped out a couple of times when he was jumping up. When this dog is happy he heels vertically for some of the walk.
Here is an embarrassing but funny story. I was walking Zoe yesterday and we were following snow mobile tracks up the hill by our place. I was thinking to myself how great it is that I can walk on top of the snow now .....I spoke too soon. As we got to a massive mound of snow by the tennis courts I felt some give underneath me and very shortly after that I was up to my waist and stuck...lovely. Like all people would do I immediately scanned the area for people watching. I could have melted the snow from the heat of my very red face. Of course Zoe thought I was playing so she comes bounding over and kicks snow in my face and then runs the other direction and comes back and play bows and starts to dig....thanks for all the help, remind me to stop feeding you....hahaha. I managed to get out but I had to walk through this to get out of it. What a moron I am sometimes.