She is drooling up a storm these days...YUCK. Her shirts are soaked by the end of the day. She is making all sorts of new LOUD noises. The latest one sounds as though she is gagging and she ends with a squeal. Very cute but also very tiring. This brings me to sleeping....I was up last night from midnight until 3:30am and then got up at 6:30 am and pretty well stayed
up....lets see, that is 5 hours of sleep. :-( I am hoping all the baby dancing pays off and I am so wiped out that not even a low flying F-18 can wake me...please...please. Kailey has this new annoying thing she does when you are trying to feed her. She drapes her arm over the top of the bottle or she uses both hands and tries to hold it herself and in the process manages to pull it out of her mouth....grrrrrr. She also likes to cover her eyes with her hands so I am not even sure I am in the right spot until I hear the smacking. Just hold her hands away you say....yeah right. :-) Anyway, she is crashed out for another nap after a round of dancing, Jumperoo and practice sitting and rolling. She was doing much better before with the rolling but I have been slacking off on the tummy time and it shows. Sitting is just so exciting though.