Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Time for an update!!

It has been a while since I posted so I thought I would give you all a K-Bear update.

She is loving table food and only has 'baby food' when Jack and I are not eating healthy enough to share or nothing is thawed. Some of her new favorites are: chicken and cheese Quesadillas, tune casserole, chicken and veggie stew, toast with real butter, cream of wheat, bagels with cream cheese, fresh mango and last but not least...she loves Homo milk. I decided to try her on a little bit of homo milk during her meals in a straw cup and she took to the cup and the milk right away with no ill effects. I was preparing her breakfast yesterday and set her cup with milk on the high chair and I turned around to see her sucking back the last of the milk with a cute milky smile. She loves feeding herself and I guess giving herself a drink also rates high in her books. She is only having three bottles now so it really feels like she is growing up. :-(

She is on the move now and I have to keep a close eye on her that's for sure. She isn't crawling exactly, but she she is scooting around on her butt and can get from point A to point B in record time. She can crawl, and has, but I guess she finds it more amusing to scoot?! The dogs are hilarious with her now that she can catch them. Zoe loves the attention and is really trying to get Kailey to play fetch with her. She has this big stuffed chicken and she is forever bringing it to Kailey and dropping it by her to throw.....I keep telling her 'no, not yet Zoe'. It is like every new phase/development Kailey has Zoe thinks that she is capable of playing.

She is definitely a copy cat now. She knows how to give a high five, wave, shake her head no, sometimes nods 'yes', clap and is on her way to blowing kisses. She is taking a break from saying Mom, Dad and Nanana right now for some reason. She is a big fan of going out to eat so we are going to have to take out a second mortgage to support this entertainment...hahaha. I got to go shopping for winter clothes for her as I noticed while cleaning out her closet and drawers that she has one winter top and one thicker pair of jeans and that is all. She grew out of everything. I loove the clothes I found (couple sweaters, couple long sleeve shirts, pair of yoga pants...hahaha and I am waiting for the next Mexx shipment to come in for winter jeans. I only wish I could find some of the stuff in adult sizes. The weather has been awful lately so we have been stuck in the house so I plan to take her out whenever she gets up from this nap. Cabin Fever is setting in for both of us.

Oh yeah...I almost forgot. She cut a top tooth 2 days ago and the one next to it is not far behind. I could tell she was cutting teeth because she always wakes up earlier than usual for a couple of days and is cranky. Sure enough...there it is. She is not a fan of anyone checking her mouth out so I take a deep breath and go in.

I think I hear her waking up so I better run. I will upload some pictures when I get a chance and when I get the camera from the nursery.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Kailey loves

Char, Ron and Julie came camping Monday and left this morning. What a blast we had with them and it was so cool to now have Miss Kailey here to participate in the activities. Last year when they came camping it looked like I was hiding a watermelon in my shirt and here she is. She was quite the trooper and, once again, she impressed me with how adaptable she is. There were some days that we got to the campsite at 3pm and stayed until after 10pm. She was quite content to sit on a blanket with some toys on the beach and watch all the goings on. She had all her meals in her stroller and crashed out at her usual bedtime with her binky and her blankets while we hung out around the fire. She woke up smiling and when it was time to go and went right to bed when we got home. Nan (my Mom) came back with me from Edmonton and stayed until Wednesday so we had a ton of fun especially when we took her to Clark's for lunch with us and she was waving at the waitresses and staring down this cute little boy at the table next to us. I got to have a 'girl's night' with Julie which I will remember forever and was introduced to the phenomenon that has taken over pre-teens/teenagers called 'High School Musical'.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy B-Day Robbie-Bear!!!

This weekend was a busy one for Kailey and I. My Nephew turned 1 and the party was in Edmonton. Robbie was totally charming and I was so excited to see the two little ones interact - hilarious. "oh, you have ears too!", "may I touch your hair?", "lets see that toy". Very fun to watch.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Special Visitors!!!

More pictures:

Meeting Uncle Ryan
Monday Jack's parents came from Anaheim California to visit Miss K and Tuesday Ryan (Jack's Brother) came from Little Rock Arkansas to meet his Niece for the first time. Grandma and Grandpa just left for home with many tears shed. Uncle Ryan is staying until Tuesday. Kailey is truly one lucky girl to have so many people in her life that love her to pieces. We had the most amazing visit and Kailey immediately warmed up to everyone so we didn't have to get through the 'playing shy' stage at all. Our visit was spent with trips to the swings, a day at the beach, visits to the Marina and a special family supper at Clarks. Kailey was a trooper for it all. She loves her family and it saddens me to be so far away from everyone. I guess it makes the time spent together all the more memorable. She showed them everything cool that she does from summoning the dolphins (high pitch squeals) to her deep throaty laughs. It was a pleasure to have them and I am very excited to find out that they are going to try to make it for Kailey's one year Birthday party in Edmonton....yahooooo!!!!