Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ella is 9 months old today!!!

so miss Ella had her appointment today and here are her stats:
weight: 9.94 kg - 93 percentile as per usual
height: 74 cm - 92 percentile - huge change from the usual - she is getting longer.
I thought for sure she would be crying her head off the minute her Dr. started to touch her and she didn't at all.  He had to leave to grab his tape measure and when he came back in the room Ella looked at him and blew a huge raspberry in his direction.  He cracked up.  She also entertained the waiting room with her smiles and plump physique (she was just sporting her boots and her long sleeve onsie after the height and weight).
she has her first tooth.  Bottom right poked through and I believe lefty is not far behind.

 she likes the straw cups already.  She is growing up way too fast for my liking so she only gets to play with this once a day...hahaha.  This gal loves her food, although she totally gave up baby food a month ago.  She loves chicken, yogurt tubes, grilled cheese, hamburger, peas...and much much more.  I am also very pleased to report she is sleeping through the night now and has been for a while now, but I have been way too scared to say anything in case I jinxed it (been known to happen).

I just am so shocked we are at the nine month mark already.  I really really wish time could stand still at this stage for a little while longer.  She is such a cuddler and always in such a happy mood.  I love her to death.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

K-Bears first day of School.

What a morning. Kailey woke up at 6:30 (too early) all pumped for her first day of school. She was hilarious. At one point she was naked wearing her backpack and her indoor shoes and that was all. She was so proud of herself until she looked in the mirror and freaked because her hair was 'crazy'...ummm, how about the fact that you are naked??? I laughed and said that she needs something on and she told she had something on (2 things) her shoes and her backpack...sheesh. Hair done, outfit on and then the pacing started and the constant asking if it was time to go - I mean she asked every 10 minutes!!!! I was so happy to see the clock finally reach 9am and we were off. She picked out a yellow cubby for her bag, shoes and jacket and put her indoor shoes on by herself. We were all lined up waiting for the teachers to open the classroom doors. She saw her name on the window and was super proud of herself. Sooooo cute. Miss Patti then called the names one at a time and when it was Kailey's turn she walked right in and they outfitted her with a name tag hat and she says, 'hello Miss Patti look at my new indoor shoes they are on'. Then she had to go to the mat with the rest of the kids and she looked over at me and told me that I could leave her if I wanted to. A quick hug and she walked over and sat down. She was very quiet and did her nervous tongue thing (those who know her will know exactly what I am talking about), but she was fine and I snuck out after snapping a couple of pictures. When I picked her up the kids were all in a line and they called them one at a time to go and find the parent(s). She spotted me and smiled and did the tongue thing and she started to walk to me, but they lined her up again and she waited her turn....this is going to teach her so many things I am so happy for her. Ella spotted Kailey and was kicking and flailing her arms she was so excited to see her. She was quiet for the first 10 minutes or so and then it was like the flood gates opened and she told me everything they did. She said she wanted to have 2 cupcakes, but Miss Patti said 'no, sorry'. She really really likes them I guess.  As a treat for her first day we got some cupcakes...hahaha.  I am so excited to see the Scholastic book order forms, I remember these so vividly and major nostalgia took over and I cannot wait sit down with her and place an order.  Something new to read would be good as well.

Monday, September 06, 2010