Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


who can deny her Bob Marley when she has moves like this? hahaha

Monday, November 24, 2008

Playing in the snow.

We took the gals out for a run this afternoon and made some mini snowmen. She had a ball. As the dogs are running 90 mph she is yelling 'go-go-go Zoe and Bridgey-boo'. She thought it was pretty cool wearing all the winter garb too...phew.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another one...

Funny Face

I was looking through my videos this evening and I came across this one...what is with that face? hahaha

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

oooo, I like that...hahaha

This is a very dark video, but I had to post it anyway. She always manages to put a smile on my face. 'ooooo-I like that'...'happy happy'....'really hot'.

She still has a big thing for candles. It was so cute when she used to call them 'canyas', but I guess she needed to learn the proper word at some point...hahaha.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

stuck on the Birthday song!!

seeeee woom.

Kailey helped design her big girl room. She insists on having these massive flowers in the screw holes of her crib rather than in the sweet little basket vase I picked out. hahaha. I guess she likes the feeling like she is a little bug when she is in her bed. We also converted the spare room into a play room where she can hang out in her ship and play with all her dolls and all I have to do is shut the door when she is done and my house is back looking like a house rather than a Toy Store. Some of it obviously leaks out to the other levels, but this is a way better option. She likes trap me and her pup in the room while she strips all of her dolls and bathes them. It is cute though how she invited me in and pats the chair to tell me to sit. After Christmas we are getting her a double bed and then the transformation will be finished. I remember like yesterday the fun of decorating her nursery and I have to say it was even more fun letting her be creative and watching how proud she she was when it was finished. And this picture of Zoe is just funny!

Sunday, November 09, 2008


Kailey had her 2 year Dr.'s appointment Friday and here are her stats: She weighs - 14.4 kg and she was soooo squirmy that we didn't really get an accurate height but she is tall!!! They put her down for 36". She is very healthy and was doing her part in trying to keep all the people in the waiting room healthy too by handing out anti-smoking flyer's. hahaha.

We have been having some coffee house 'dates'. This is her favorite place to go and hang out. She loves sitting there sipping her juice and carrying on a conversation (usually about colors and the dogs). She was so funny the other day, while we were sitting there she looked over at the canisters of coffee on the shelves and proclaimed in her not so quiet voice, 'oh Dog Food'. I guess it kind of looked like jars of dog food...hahaha. She pretends her juice is hot, so before each sip she will blow on it. You should see this gal polish off a piece of carrot cake She calls it 'birfday cake' since that is what she had at her party.

Some of my favorite things she says are:
Awww Pig'a'lick for Piglet
more choc-o-lick keese
bafff time baby - then she takes all their clothes off and 'washes them'
topical juice keese
I TOOOOTED...I did - lovely when we are out. :-)
ooorings keese, pink - wants her ears pierced bad...not going to happen.
oh mommy hug hug hug while her arms are around me....I love this one.
tie daddy shooose on keese - she wants to wear Jack's size 13's.
c'mon Bridgey up - invites her dog onto her bed when I am not looking then says 'oh-oh' when I walk in. hahaha
I git a book, a cin'a'ella book - loves her Princesses
I see Bob Marley...I see Foo Fight'a's

Those are just some. She literally talks the entire day. If she is not talking to me, Jack or the dogs she is on 'the phone' (the phone can be anything...even a fruit leather). I love it.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Guess what?

I was brushing Kailey's teeth tonight and I noticed that her bottom bite looked a little lopsided...SHE HAS ANOTHER TOOTH!!! She pulled a phantom manoeuver...this bottom right tooth looks like it has been there forever. I am very fortunate to have such an 'easy' teether.

2 more to go!

Dog Joggin'

I was determined to pick my mood up, so when Kailey woke from her nap we took the big girls out for a run in the field. What a great time we had. Kailey has mastered jogging in big boots...hahaha. She also likes putting her arms out while blowing raspberries....'I a plane'. She also likes to march...cute little soldier.

A wave a grief :-(

I was doing so well, I was so strong...I thought. A wave a grief hit me about 30 minutes ago like a brick wall. I miss being pregnant....I miss everything about it. What was my trigger? The Maple Flag planning meeting is going on right now and I know that I will be here for Maple Flag this year and not on Maternity Leave with my newborn and my Kailey. Trigger number one. Trigger number 2 came when I finally told the ladies at my favorite kids store in the mall last night. I have been avoiding that one to the point that I was faking that I was still pregnant the last 2 times I had to run in and get something. Trigger three came yesterday afternoon when I checked my voice mail and Dr. Stander's office called to confirm if they could go ahead and cancel my pre-natal appointments. I was doing so well. Why is this happening to me? I am a good person...I know I am. I try to be the best possible Mother I can be. It is not is not fair that some people can sneeze and be pregnant and the word miscarriage never crosses their mind. All of my symptoms have disappeared now. This all seems surreal to me now. Why didn't I embrace the symptoms more? I know that sounds silly, but I crave the feeling of 'life' I had just a short time ago. I feel like my heart is breaking for the first time. I was told that grief comes in waves. I thought maybe I could avoid that and just go right to the feeling of being healed. Do I have to do everything text book? I don't want to forget that little one that could have been, but I just want to not hurt. Sad seems like such a weak word for what I am feeling right now.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

2 year molars

Upper left tooth has broken through...that is amazing timing seeing as she is just two...three more to go then she is done for a while.

Winter Jacket...

Kailey's jacket from last year is too small so that meant we had to go shopping....oh darn! hahaha.

I have had my eye on this one for some time now and they finally knocked the price down 20% so how could I resist?? Extremely warm. The hood zips off, the scarf is detachable and it goes all the way down to her knees. I LOOOOOVE IT. I put it on her and she said...'ohhhhh thank-you Mommy.'

'more sugar keese'

I took Kailey out trick or treating last night for the first time and it was a blast!!! Jack had to stay behind and hand out candy to the kids in our haunted graveyard.

We decided on the butterfly costume with a black sweat pant outfit and layers underneath for warmth. We went to the neighbors where she was pretty excited that someone would give her candy in her Tinkerbell purse for saying trick or treat (sounded like tweet and tweet). We then went to the mall where she was the only one dressed up...I guess the big Halloween party was last weekend...ok...strange. She did get a lot of attention there though so she was pretty excited. We then went to our friends place and did that block...her trick or treat then turned into 'more sugar keese.'...weird. She thought her lollipops were flowers...awwww. Any house that had a dog she thought she would invite herself in...yikes. We ended up back at our haunted house where she hung out with her Daddy handing out the last of the treats while playing with the glowing skulls and jumping mummies....she thought they were hilarious.

We are saving the amazing Cinderella dress that Jack's parents got her from Disneyland for next year since it is a tad big. She will have it well broken in by then since it is all she wants to wear!!!