Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Birthday Part 1

morning of pre-school - very excited to bring all those cupcakes!

 Thanking Baby Ella for the gift in her hand - cupcake lip gloss that proved to be one of the major highlights of the day.  "thank you baby"...hugs hugs hugs.  She was very thankful. lol
 first thing in the morning getting ready to open her gifts from us.
 changed and tamed that wild hair - ready to party with Gido and Grandma.
 peek-a-boo balloon game
 listening to a story from Gido
 Ella - you can't catch me - well, maybe you can...not totally crawling yet.
 Grandma Diane took kailey shopping and she told her she could pick anything she wanted from the store and this is part of what she came up with...a gorgeous witch hat, red Gothic wig and a Gothic witch costume.  No kidding, this is what she really wanted.
 Ella and Gido - took her a bit to warm up and soon she was giggling and Dad could hold her and feed her.

 yup, there it is folks....hahahaha
 you caught me eating...
Zoe looks smashing in the wig I think.  Bridget has been wearing this off and on all day.

Great weekend, thank you so much for making the drive and hope you didn't get stuck in the snow storm.  and next up - K-Bear's birthday bash with her friends and family. :-)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday my K-Bear!!!

At exactly 8:08pm they took you out of me and when I first saw your little face I knew instantly I would love you with every ounce of my being.  You have brought so much love into my life and filled a void I never knew existed until that very second.  You make me so proud and I thank you so very much for being exactly who you are...kind, loyal, funny, loving and the most perfect big sister.  Four years baby, you are not a teenager yet. lol

Love you so much.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ella Bella Bear.

so many changes to report...she says 'mum' and 'momma'.  Can scoot across the entire living room on her belly backwards...she actually looks behind her to see where Kailey is and then will scoot there and start kicking her and giggling ( I am telling myself that she doesn't know what she is doing, she is just excited).  She can go from her belly back to sitting up.  She can pull herself up to her knees and gets one leg up.  She was drinking 40 oz of formula a day (10 oz sometimes in 7 min.).  She has slowed that down for now.  She is getting more hair and it is NOT laying flat at all so Kailey thinks it is awesome.  She is petrified of men except her daddy.  She loves the dogs and will come alive when she drops food off the side of the highchair.  She gets a ton of attention with that smile wherever she is...just don't get in her personal space.  She loves watching Bridget and Zoe run in the field and will belly laugh if they really get going.  Her sister is her idol and Kailey knows it and will do anything to get her laughing and smiling.  She is starting to try to take toys from Kailey and then will giggle when Kailey freaks out...oh, I can see some awesome scraps in the near future for sure.  I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!

She is saying that this bolshevik hat is bullschik....hahaha.

30 cupcakes...check!

Kailey is so excited to bring cupcakes to pre-school for her birthday tomorrow.  When I picked her up Wednesday she was quick to tell me that I needed to speak to Miss Patti about her birthday arrangement...hahaha - her words.  We had a blast this afternoon decorating them and I have to say, she was an enormous help!!  I thought it was going to be a gong show for sure, but she was so careful and her attention to detail amazed me....all the way to the end.  Ella observed and managed to 'ker-plunk' a couple while I was holding her on one hip and trying to ice them.  Little monkey was quick to put her hand in her mouth....nummmm nummm nummm and lots of lip smacking later.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

afternoon in a hay field

I love afternoons like this.  It was windy, but pretty nice so we took the hounds to the field and let them run free.  Zoe discovered a new and exciting thing...scaling hay bales.  Bridget even made it up there once although she was way less graceful about it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

sleeping beauty

There is something so amazing that happens to your soul when you watch your baby sleep...

Kailey's preschool proofs

I love 415 and will be ordering some of those.  :-)

Sunday, October 03, 2010

all about curly.

 After much deliberation, this is what we (I) decided she would wear for her school pictures.  She had mentally picked out the most 'perfect'er' outfit that consisted of a purple tu-tu, Hannah Montana wig and play high heels...maybe not Kailey.
 This is her Halloween costume we picked out yesterday.  It took her almost an hour to decide what costume she wanted exactly.  She got to try it on just for this picture as I know it would be totally trashed by the time Halloween rolls around.  Really wanted her to be Tinkerbell or another Princess, but she really really really wants to be a witch - in this case a 'blingy witch'.
 She is loving dance class and since the rest of the girls are starting to get into wearing the gear I just had to hook her up in ballerina duds...sooooo cute. 

This is apparently one of the moves she was taught yesterday in class - kind of doubt it, but whatever...hahaha.