She is saying I love you now. Sounds like 'I duv ewww". It is so cute. She is also saying 'dip dip'. She loves to dip things right now. French toast in yogurt, cucumber with ranch, pieces of potato with sour cream and name it the kid is a dip'aholic. I took some videos tonight of her being a happy Kailey Bear. Oh and her accessory of choice today was mickey ears. She wanted them on ALLLL day. Some other words she is mastering: hello, plane, boom, tickle.
The other night she was outside for most of the day and she actually fell asleep in my arms while I was reading her a story. I savored every moment of that. I rocked her for a better part of an hour and then slipped her in bed. She slept 14.5 hours...the outdoors just poops her right out. While I was watching her sleep I realized how much she is changing yet how similar she is to when we first brought her home...if that makes any sense. She still rubs her nose with the corner of the blanket. I was her hero as I found all four corners for her the other night. hahaha. She still curls her toes the same way. She still likes to have her binky to fall asleep. I just adore everything about her.