My little girl is 4 months old today...already. It seems like yesterday that I was writing that she just turned one month old. She is dressed up for the occasion. This little one loooves wearing dresses. Dresses come in very handy as she uses them as a face cloth and they accommodate her persistent need for putting something in her mouth..hahaha. The other picture of her in the Snugli was way too cute not to post, plus she is sporting a hat (much too big for her yet but I am way too excited) from her Great Nan aka NANA. She handmade this along with a matching sweater that is equally adorable. I cannot wait until she can wear this. The little dress and tights are from Jack's parents and the hat that happens to match perfectly is from Amanda and Brent...thanks so much!!. Her super cute Minnie Mouse onsie is from her Gido and Grandma D (My Dad and Dianne) from their trip to Disney World.
More photos here: http://s129.photobucket.com/albums/p220/sjrugg/FEB%2023%202007%20-%204%20months%20old/