I thought I would try her in the snow suit she got from 'Auntie' Cheryl. It is so sweet. What you cannot see in the pictures is all the pretty embroidery work on it (Winnie the Pooh). It comes with detachable boots and mitts but I had to get the picture taken before she got cranky being all bundled up. I want her to get used to this as it is warming up and I would like to take her for a walk in her stroller rather than the car seat. She would get a kick out of looking around and not feeling so constricted I am sure. The stroller lays down as well, so if she zonks out she can be comfortable. I took her outside for a little while today when Jack was outside hooking our Satellite up. And I have to say...it was like holding a doll. She loves being outside and the fresh air will do her good (and me). I cannot wait for the snow to be gone because apparently I picked the worst winter to have a baby :-(.

Today's cereal adventure went really well. She managed to swallow a couple of spoonfuls this time but still looooves blowing raspberries. I love our morning routine. I get up before her so I can get ready somewhat. I wait anxiously for her to get up and when I hear the first babble I am in there saying good morning. I am almost always greeted with a HUGE smile and copious quantity of conversation. I feed her the bottle and whatever is left we use to make some cereal. She had the exact same conversation today with all the squeals and everything like the video. She likes to chit chat while the spoon is in her mouth. Then I bathe her and by that time she is ready for a power snooze (usually 2 hours). I figured out a better way to hold her while I feed her and she, so far, has done much better today...more content and more willing to take more. I think the way I was holding her was putting some pressure on her head she didn't like. Now I kind of face her a little out rather than toward me and her long limbs just fall comfortably rather than all tight. Who knows. She is back eating like she was before. She had 27 oz. yesterday and 1 tsp of cereal with an oz. of formula (not sure how much she actually ate but I do know she managed to get some on her toes. I cannot wait for Summer to come...imagine all the pretty little summer dresses?! WOW. Jack picked out some really nice ones when he was in California for work before she was born. They all have matching diaper covers/panties. Very sweet. She finally can touch the floor in her Jumperoo so the towel is gone and she had a blast. She is completely sprawled out in her crib napping she worked so hard.