It would appear that Miss K likes to kick all of the blankets off of her at some point in the night. The past two morning I have come into the nursery and she is 'naked' (just in her sleeper) and cold. She also likes to 'crab-walk' herself to the very end of the crib and has her head jammed into the bumper pad. If she keeps doing this then she will have another flat spot on the top of her head that may counteract the one on the back of her head...hahaha. I guess that is why I believe in bumper pads, can you imagine how that would feel to have the hard crib rails pushing on the top of your melon...ouch!!! I bought two grobags (sleeping bag that they wear) before she was born and she wore them for the first month of her life but I later decided that it was too much of a pain to get her in and out of it for a diaper change in the middle of the night and was too bulky to feed her in them so I packed them away. Now that she sleeps through I think this will be a great piece of 'gear' that will ensure she stays toasty warm. She is napping in it today to see if she is ok wearing this rather than the usual three blankets she has on her. I need to get Zoe one too...just kidding.

I took these pictures a few minutes ago. Both of my girls snoozing and both of them suckling?!
Yesterday Kailey had two visitors, Jackie and her Mom. Kailey was great and manged some pretty big full body smiles* at both of them.
*Definition of a 'Full Body Smile': When Kailey thinks that a plain old smile from ear to ear just wont cut it she puts her hands into fists, pulls her legs up and tilts her head to one side. Very funny.