Last night she refused her last bottle from me & I really needed a Kailey break as I was teetering on the brink I am sure, so I asked Jack for help. He fed her and she took 5 oz. from him so that left me happy and also sad. I suspected I had something to do with this and obviously I was right. Jack was trying to make me feel better by saying that he just got lucky or he had a bottle that was working but I know she was feeding off my anxiety I am sure. She went to bed @ 10pm with only 22 oz. in her and didn't wake up until her usual 8am. She was happy and gabbing so I changed her diaper and that is when I realized the diaper didn't hold and her and her bed were soaked :-(...poor thing. After I changed her I made up a bottle while finding my 'Zen' and she drank 5 oz. without one complaint. WHAT?! She had a bath and went for a nap. Her next bottle was at 11am and she drank 4.5 oz (she would have had more but I only made up that much and I didn't want to chance a fight with the re-latch). She was happy the whole time. We went to Wal-Mart to get her the next size up in diapers to use for nighttime while we use up the current ones during the day. The ones she has been wearing are supposed to be good for up to 18 lbs so I thought we would be ok for a while but I guess not. Two people (ladies) looked in the cart at her and she was all smiles and even started talking to one lady....very very loudly. She wasn't playing strange at all so this is another head scratcher.
Oh yeah, I changed the template of the Blog for something different. I know it is not pink but she also looks good in blue...haha.

I can thank Zoe for helping Kailey with her sitting. Zoe rests her big head on the edge of the bed and Kailey manages to get her balance by staring and leaning toward her. Zoe is just hoping she falls toward her so she can lick her so she waits patiently.