It has become apparent that I must leave the house on a regular basis to keep my sanity. A couple of days cooped and I am a total head case. Today I packed up the little one with a few toys (she loves to hold on to things now) and we headed off to Wal-Mart and then to the mall. Instead of using the shopping carts I brought her stroller along, as we were not getting anything major...do I ever prefer doing that rather than lugging her into the store and trying to find a cart that undoubtedly will have something wrong with it. I found a nice flannel sheet for the playpen...an actual fitted playpen sheet. She has all her naps in there now so I wanted a way to make it more cozy and to protect the mattress from any spit ups since you can only sponge clean it. :-(. Zellers is carrying mostly HBC (Best Beginnings and Carters are my fav's) items it is my favorite place to shop for Kailey's pj's. I found the sweetest sleeper than has Princess Frogs all over and the feet are frog heads that each have a little crown applique sticking up...very cute. Oh yeah....Kailey's new trick when we are shopping is to reach her hands out of the bucket and grab whatever she can on the way by.

She has easy access to do this when she is in the stroller as she is lower and the side are open. She grabs mitt fulls of clothes off the racks. She ended up with some sort of bib type thing in the bucket and I had no idea where it came from. She must have pulled it in when I wasn't looking. What is disgusting though is the fact that EVERYTHING goes in her mouth so I have to really watch for two reason....I don't want to be accused of shoplifting and I don't want Kailey munching on some germ infested item...yuck. I almost forgot...I picked up Kailey a one piece finding Nemo bathing suit and some swimmer diapers since we may be going swimming...if I find the courage that is. Her cousin Robbie loves it and it is another way to get out of the house. I really wish Heather and I could go together. :-( She looves her baths so maybe this would be a hit too. She has the sweetest bikini from Old Navy (thanks Heather for picking up some summer clothes for her) but it will be too big until Summer...then look out....it has ruffles on the bottom and the top is a halter style.....very baby chic...hahahaha. You know I will be putting her in this as soon as it is washed and you all will be seeing the pictures. ;-) I cannot wait. She is totally crashed out from all the excitement today. I managed to have an hour and a half nap with her today so I feel much better. I am still having some sleepless nights for whatever reason. Moving the monitor where I can hear her breathe back into the room seems to help some. I think I became so used to her sleeping next to me in the bassinet that I use her breathing as my 'grey noise'. The best sleeps I have is when she is next to me in the playpen or if she is in bed withe me....I crash without a problem at all. Last night I got up at 2am and stayed up until 6am...not good. This must be some sick joke...I am lucky enough to have a baby that sleeps through the night and I now develop Insomnia issues?! I'll wake up and my heart is racing and I cannot catch my breath and then my brain turns on and that is it...I am stuck tossing and turning or staring at the ceiling. I am hoping my Doctor can shed some light on this issue as I have a check up in a couple months along with Kailey's 6 mth appointment.