I was already dreading returning to work and have been having serious anxiety over the fact that we have
no contacts/family that could look after her. Most reputable day homes in the area have a waiting list a mile long and the only other option is daycare...booooo. Guess what???? My bosses talked and approved me coming in from 7:30am - 11:30am every day and Jack's shift would be noon until 8pm. This means little Kailey can stay home!!! I was so excited when I found this out. Jack will get the mornings with her and she really is her best in the morning that is for sure (at least she is now) and then I will have the afternoon/early evenings with her. This is a win win situation as I will be more in the loop with the daily operations at work and Jack prefers the later shift. Most of all Kailey will not have to go to daycare!!!! Yahooooo!!!! She can get her socialization through play groups and such. What a total relief and I cannot thank my company (esp. Brad) enough for this one. I posted the upper left picture because if you click on it to enlarge it you can see her hair (not much, I know, but it is coming in and is quite blonde).
This is Kailey after some serious playing!!!
On another note....
This little monkey can get out of her Bumbo (her rubber seat that you all have seen pictures of). If she is wearing any sort of grips on her feet she will plant them and arch her back a way up and pop her thighs out and proceed to use the back of her head to roll out. OMG!! Thank goodness I was right there (not that I ever leave her sitting in this unattended) but it really freaked me out. She will also fling herself, or try to, right out of your arms. She is to be held with two hands now and will be strapped into everything. What a crazy little chicky poo!!! I will try to get a video of her Bumbo trick.