Well, I am pretty much
DONE with this winter nonsense...so is Kailey. Bring on Summer!!!! I took her to Wal-Mart today for an outing (WOW...exciting) and bought a weather shield for the stroller. It will block out 97% of UV rays and best of all will protect her from wind and snow. It is completely see through too so she will still be able to take in all the scenery. This is our planned activity for tomorrow weather permitting. I did a test today. She is getting a tad big for the car seat bag so I thought I would take it out and put her in a snowsuit then strap her in...I TOTALLY know why these were invented now. It is so much easier to just put a sweater on her and zip her into the bag. WOW!! Her feet do not touch the end of the bag yet so we are ok but I wanted to see how much more room the seat had

without it. Quite a bit more room but so not worth the tears of trying to strap her in with a bulky snowsuit on. She gave me this look like..."you could have asked my opinion on this matter and I gladly would have told you not to remove my bag!!". Off we went...binky, hat with flaps, facecloth and back up binky in my pocket. She usually is awake for these trips it seems now. She finally fell asleep at the checkout. She wasn't very talkative but massive blue eyes taking everything in. There were so many Moms with babies there today. I guess everyone in town was having cabin fever. I felt for one new Mom...her baby was maybe 3 weeks old and was shrieking and you could tell this was her first
time out and she looked like she wanted to cry. I remember how scary it was when I took Kailey out alone for the first time so I recognized the look of fear. She had a ton of gear with her too...2 diaper bags...toys..bottle...snugli and then the infant car seat in the cart...WOW.