Here is Kailey sitting up unassisted. WOW!! We have made major progress with this. We have been practising every day and today was the first time she sat up with her back straight. Yahoooo Kailey Bear!!
So, her last 2 bottles were horrible. She drank only 3 oz. then the next one was 3.5 oz. What am I supposed to do? If she doesn't make min. 20 oz. today then I have to take her in. I wonder what the problem is...very strange. I gave her Tempra and we will see if that makes the next bottle better for her. I know if they are teething some babies will eat very little and make a fuss while sucking because of the pain. I have no clue and I feel so helpless and depressed. :-( She is hungry (normally by this time of day she has had double of what she has had today) as she is sucking her fingers and will suck on my finger like mad, but a bottle nipple...no way. I know she really has to work to get the milk out of the Avent but others are too fast so what am I supposed to do now? Wait it out? See if it gets better? She doesn't have a fever and is not sick from what I can tell. When the bottle is not in site she is happy. I probably screwed this up somehow...just like I screwed up the nursing. Can you tell I am spent and totally drained?! :-( Is this just part of Motherhood? Feeling like a total failure? Feeling like you are totally to blame for every little thing that is not 100%? No wonder people become depressed after pregnancy. Oh yeah, my hair is falling out at an alarming rate too. Other than all this life is good :-S.