I thought for sure I would be up all night with Miss K due to the fact that she only took in 23 oz. all day and three of those were her last bottle. She actually slept 8 hours straight on that small amount of formula so I learned a ton from this. She has been eating 29-31.5 /day but I guess she will have light eating days and I just need to back off and not worry so darn much. She has been fighting bottles like crazy so I tried two new ones that appeared to be working better than her originals, but they flow too fast for her and she ends up choking and formula runs out the side of her mouth and of course this upsets her. She was really tired when she ate from one of the new ones so her sucking wasn't at full K-bear potential, but when she was wide awake there was no way that was a good situation. She has a very powerful sucking reflex so we are back to the o

riginal ADVENT with #1 nipples. She took 6.5 this morning and didn't fight the re-latch at all. I noticed something very important with these bottles though. The flow depends entirely on how tight you tighten the ring/nipple portion. I can adjust the flow to the point where a #1 flows way too fast. She had two faulty #2 nipples that I found so this would likely explain why she was upset at some feeding and ok with others. These are brand new, but one of them barely lets milk out and the other one flows like a tap.....grrrrrr. In total I have tried 5 different bottles and it really is frustrating for a new Mom to have so many choices....whatever happened to a simple bottle and nipple??? Without all the fancy valve systems, anti-colic nipples, collars, venting, bumpy nipple for teething & variable flow nipple that will only work if you bite down to open the hole. I was so fed up last night. All I want to do is feed my baby and do the best I can but when my equipment lets me down, Kailey and I lose all trust. :-( I am very lucky to have such a nice natured little girl. Through all this she is still laughing, talking (I really don't think anything would stop that now) and generally very happy. Last night when I lost it I was crying right along with her and this is the second time she has done this now (much better than her laughing at me), she put her little hands on my face and looked deep into my eyes with such a loving look. She had big tear drops running down her face and she managed to smile at me. She is such an awesome little girl and she trusts me and I do not want to let her down. I guess I need to ease up on myself because what good would I be to her if I was in some mental institute because of a breakdown?! All my life I have taken every job too seriously so I need to learn to relax and breathe...wish me luck with this one cause it will be my greatest challenge :-).