Here are the jeans I was so pumped to find. They are pulled up under her armpits right now as the size is 4-6 mths but I guess she will get a lot of use out of them if she starts wearing them now.
She is having a blast in her Jumperoo it didn't take her long to figure out that things spin and make noise. She will be all calm and enjoying the toys and then something happens....her feet start moving and the jumping starts...not just normal 'baby' jumping but full on kicking/Irish dancing leg jumping. She gets this look on her face...it is all business and do not distract her....hahaha. She really gets a good work out in this and I love the fact that she is upright and off the back of her head. 

She is rarely on her back now during the day. For her naps she is on her side or tummy and I am closely monitoring her (esp. tummy). It is very hard to try to 're-shape her flat spot when she sleeps 9-11 hours straight on her back every night. She will turn her head but in the morning when I go to her she is looking straight up. I have decided to try her on her side for more than this one reason. My reasoning is this: 1/ in the hospital the Nurses put her on her side despite the sticker that read 'Back to Sleep' & when I asked about it they didn't have a good explanation and they just said that it is habit. 2/ Once in a while she spits up large amounts and I had a nightmare last night that she was choking and I didn't hear her - needless to say I was up every hour from 2am on while little K-Bear was sound asleep. I read that babies have a natural reflex that if they start to vomit they will turn their head to one side...not always. I was folding her clothes the other day so I popped her on her back in her crib and turned the mobile on for her. I turned my back an continued folding and I heard this strange noise coming from the crib and I looked in and saw that she was spitting up and her head most definitely was not to one side. She was hacking and sputtering so I quickly turned her head and the spit up ran out of her mouth. Everything was A-Ok but it made me think, likely why I had the nightmare last night. 3/I slept on my side and pretty well anyone over the age of 10 did and we are all ok...some of us more than others...hahaha. So, we will see what happens as she can easily roll to her back if she wants. 4/My motherly instinct are telling me to.
I have decided 'they' will likely determine that back sleeping is no good along with everything else we are presently told to do in the next 10 years. hahahahaha.