Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kailey and I go on tour...

It has become apparent that I must leave the house on a regular basis to keep my sanity. A couple of days cooped and I am a total head case. Today I packed up the little one with a few toys (she loves to hold on to things now) and we headed off to Wal-Mart and then to the mall. Instead of using the shopping carts I brought her stroller along, as we were not getting anything I ever prefer doing that rather than lugging her into the store and trying to find a cart that undoubtedly will have something wrong with it. I found a nice flannel sheet for the actual fitted playpen sheet. She has all her naps in there now so I wanted a way to make it more cozy and to protect the mattress from any spit ups since you can only sponge clean it. :-(. Zellers is carrying mostly HBC (Best Beginnings and Carters are my fav's) items it is my favorite place to shop for Kailey's pj's. I found the sweetest sleeper than has Princess Frogs all over and the feet are frog heads that each have a little crown applique sticking up...very cute. Oh yeah....Kailey's new trick when we are shopping is to reach her hands out of the bucket and grab whatever she can on the way by. She has easy access to do this when she is in the stroller as she is lower and the side are open. She grabs mitt fulls of clothes off the racks. She ended up with some sort of bib type thing in the bucket and I had no idea where it came from. She must have pulled it in when I wasn't looking. What is disgusting though is the fact that EVERYTHING goes in her mouth so I have to really watch for two reason....I don't want to be accused of shoplifting and I don't want Kailey munching on some germ infested item...yuck. I almost forgot...I picked up Kailey a one piece finding Nemo bathing suit and some swimmer diapers since we may be going swimming...if I find the courage that is. Her cousin Robbie loves it and it is another way to get out of the house. I really wish Heather and I could go together. :-( She looves her baths so maybe this would be a hit too. She has the sweetest bikini from Old Navy (thanks Heather for picking up some summer clothes for her) but it will be too big until Summer...then look has ruffles on the bottom and the top is a halter style.....very baby chic...hahahaha. You know I will be putting her in this as soon as it is washed and you all will be seeing the pictures. ;-) I cannot wait. She is totally crashed out from all the excitement today. I managed to have an hour and a half nap with her today so I feel much better. I am still having some sleepless nights for whatever reason. Moving the monitor where I can hear her breathe back into the room seems to help some. I think I became so used to her sleeping next to me in the bassinet that I use her breathing as my 'grey noise'. The best sleeps I have is when she is next to me in the playpen or if she is in bed withe me....I crash without a problem at all. Last night I got up at 2am and stayed up until 6am...not good. This must be some sick joke...I am lucky enough to have a baby that sleeps through the night and I now develop Insomnia issues?! I'll wake up and my heart is racing and I cannot catch my breath and then my brain turns on and that is it...I am stuck tossing and turning or staring at the ceiling. I am hoping my Doctor can shed some light on this issue as I have a check up in a couple months along with Kailey's 6 mth appointment.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Weekend Visit...

This weekend My Dad and Diane (Gido aka "The Gido Man" and Grandma D) came to visit. Kailey was a little shy at first, but it did not take her long to warm up and once she did, it was all smiles and hardly any naps (didn't want to miss out on anything). She loves the excitement of visitors (once she is comfortable) and fought as hard as she could to stay awake. Her eyes were red and puffy and she was rubbing them and yawning. She crashed at 8pm last night and I woke her for a 9pm bottle and then she zonked out for the night and woke up at 8:15 this morning. She was totally exhausted. She watched some Baby Einstein with them, played in the Jumperoo, talked her little head off, got many tours of the house (exciting when other people give her a tour), fell asleep on Dad and even took the last few ounces of her bottles from him in her lounger. They brought her some summer clothes that I cannot wait to see her in. I am so glad that she got some bonding time and it was nice to see Dad so happy to see her. Thanks so much for all the goodies and a great visit.

Kailey loves when you whisper in her ear ;-)

Friday, February 23, 2007

4 Months Old Today!!!!

My little girl is 4 months old today...already. It seems like yesterday that I was writing that she just turned one month old. She is dressed up for the occasion. This little one loooves wearing dresses. Dresses come in very handy as she uses them as a face cloth and they accommodate her persistent need for putting something in her mouth..hahaha. The other picture of her in the Snugli was way too cute not to post, plus she is sporting a hat (much too big for her yet but I am way too excited) from her Great Nan aka NANA. She handmade this along with a matching sweater that is equally adorable. I cannot wait until she can wear this. The little dress and tights are from Jack's parents and the hat that happens to match perfectly is from Amanda and Brent...thanks so much!!. Her super cute Minnie Mouse onsie is from her Gido and Grandma D (My Dad and Dianne) from their trip to Disney World.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just some more pictures...

This is one of the sleepers her Grandparents in California got her. Thanks!

Kailey's toes

I just love her little feet and I cannot believe how strong her little piglets are. She can pinch me with them and wrap her feet around my arm like they are a set of hands. What is cool is you can see her little birthmark in the one picture. That fine dust you see is in her cream. Like a baby exfoliate I guess. These were taken just after her morning bath.

**UPDATE: Thes pictures look so much better in black & white. :-)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Other End Of The Tub

She is now having her baths at the infant/toddler side of the tub. Since she can sit up quite well I think she is ready for this. You can tell by the pictures she is thrilled with this 'upgrade'. Just wait until I upgrade her to the big tub...WOW!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ready for Summer!!!

Well, I am pretty much DONE with this winter is Kailey. Bring on Summer!!!! I took her to Wal-Mart today for an outing (WOW...exciting) and bought a weather shield for the stroller. It will block out 97% of UV rays and best of all will protect her from wind and snow. It is completely see through too so she will still be able to take in all the scenery. This is our planned activity for tomorrow weather permitting. I did a test today. She is getting a tad big for the car seat bag so I thought I would take it out and put her in a snowsuit then strap her in...I TOTALLY know why these were invented now. It is so much easier to just put a sweater on her and zip her into the bag. WOW!! Her feet do not touch the end of the bag yet so we are ok but I wanted to see how much more room the seat had without it. Quite a bit more room but so not worth the tears of trying to strap her in with a bulky snowsuit on. She gave me this look like..."you could have asked my opinion on this matter and I gladly would have told you not to remove my bag!!". Off we went...binky, hat with flaps, facecloth and back up binky in my pocket. She usually is awake for these trips it seems now. She finally fell asleep at the checkout. She wasn't very talkative but massive blue eyes taking everything in. There were so many Moms with babies there today. I guess everyone in town was having cabin fever. I felt for one new Mom...her baby was maybe 3 weeks old and was shrieking and you could tell this was her first time out and she looked like she wanted to cry. I remember how scary it was when I took Kailey out alone for the first time so I recognized the look of fear. She had a ton of gear with her too...2 diaper and then the infant car seat in the cart...WOW.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Piglet is a Blast!!!

Thank You Mr. & Mrs. Meating for the huge piglet you got me for Christmas!!!

Time For Grobags!!!

It would appear that Miss K likes to kick all of the blankets off of her at some point in the night. The past two morning I have come into the nursery and she is 'naked' (just in her sleeper) and cold. She also likes to 'crab-walk' herself to the very end of the crib and has her head jammed into the bumper pad. If she keeps doing this then she will have another flat spot on the top of her head that may counteract the one on the back of her head...hahaha. I guess that is why I believe in bumper pads, can you imagine how that would feel to have the hard crib rails pushing on the top of your melon...ouch!!! I bought two grobags (sleeping bag that they wear) before she was born and she wore them for the first month of her life but I later decided that it was too much of a pain to get her in and out of it for a diaper change in the middle of the night and was too bulky to feed her in them so I packed them away. Now that she sleeps through I think this will be a great piece of 'gear' that will ensure she stays toasty warm. She is napping in it today to see if she is ok wearing this rather than the usual three blankets she has on her. I need to get Zoe one too...just kidding.
I took these pictures a few minutes ago. Both of my girls snoozing and both of them suckling?!

Yesterday Kailey had two visitors, Jackie and her Mom. Kailey was great and manged some pretty big full body smiles* at both of them.

*Definition of a 'Full Body Smile': When Kailey thinks that a plain old smile from ear to ear just wont cut it she puts her hands into fists, pulls her legs up and tilts her head to one side. Very funny.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

My Little Doll...

Here is Kailey wearing a dress her Daddy got for her from Disneyland before she was born. I know it is premature especially when I look outside and all I see is SNOW...booo. I wanted to see what she looked like in it so the poor kid had to endure yet another photo shoot. I loooove the panties that match...they have ruffles around the legs and on the bum...soooo cute. More photos on the bucket site. The onsie she has on underneath matches this set and the cool thing about that is, it was a gift from Brad and Cheryl from before she was born and before we knew she was a girl. Wearing a dress totally fascinates her especially if she is not wearing anything on her feet. She is amazed by her toes.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Returing To Work & The Escape Artist

I was already dreading returning to work and have been having serious anxiety over the fact that we have no contacts/family that could look after her. Most reputable day homes in the area have a waiting list a mile long and the only other option is daycare...booooo. Guess what???? My bosses talked and approved me coming in from 7:30am - 11:30am every day and Jack's shift would be noon until 8pm. This means little Kailey can stay home!!! I was so excited when I found this out. Jack will get the mornings with her and she really is her best in the morning that is for sure (at least she is now) and then I will have the afternoon/early evenings with her. This is a win win situation as I will be more in the loop with the daily operations at work and Jack prefers the later shift. Most of all Kailey will not have to go to daycare!!!! Yahooooo!!!! She can get her socialization through play groups and such. What a total relief and I cannot thank my company (esp. Brad) enough for this one. I posted the upper left picture because if you click on it to enlarge it you can see her hair (not much, I know, but it is coming in and is quite blonde).

This is Kailey after some serious playing!!!

On another note....

This little monkey can get out of her Bumbo (her rubber seat that you all have seen pictures of). If she is wearing any sort of grips on her feet she will plant them and arch her back a way up and pop her thighs out and proceed to use the back of her head to roll out. OMG!! Thank goodness I was right there (not that I ever leave her sitting in this unattended) but it really freaked me out. She will also fling herself, or try to, right out of your arms. She is to be held with two hands now and will be strapped into everything. What a crazy little chicky poo!!! I will try to get a video of her Bumbo trick.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

All Bundled Up!!!

I thought I would try her in the snow suit she got from 'Auntie' Cheryl. It is so sweet. What you cannot see in the pictures is all the pretty embroidery work on it (Winnie the Pooh). It comes with detachable boots and mitts but I had to get the picture taken before she got cranky being all bundled up. I want her to get used to this as it is warming up and I would like to take her for a walk in her stroller rather than the car seat. She would get a kick out of looking around and not feeling so constricted I am sure. The stroller lays down as well, so if she zonks out she can be comfortable. I took her outside for a little while today when Jack was outside hooking our Satellite up. And I have to was like holding a doll. She loves being outside and the fresh air will do her good (and me). I cannot wait for the snow to be gone because apparently I picked the worst winter to have a baby :-(.

Today's cereal adventure went really well. She managed to swallow a couple of spoonfuls this time but still looooves blowing raspberries. I love our morning routine. I get up before her so I can get ready somewhat. I wait anxiously for her to get up and when I hear the first babble I am in there saying good morning. I am almost always greeted with a HUGE smile and copious quantity of conversation. I feed her the bottle and whatever is left we use to make some cereal. She had the exact same conversation today with all the squeals and everything like the video. She likes to chit chat while the spoon is in her mouth. Then I bathe her and by that time she is ready for a power snooze (usually 2 hours). I figured out a better way to hold her while I feed her and she, so far, has done much better today...more content and more willing to take more. I think the way I was holding her was putting some pressure on her head she didn't like. Now I kind of face her a little out rather than toward me and her long limbs just fall comfortably rather than all tight. Who knows. She is back eating like she was before. She had 27 oz. yesterday and 1 tsp of cereal with an oz. of formula (not sure how much she actually ate but I do know she managed to get some on her toes. I cannot wait for Summer to come...imagine all the pretty little summer dresses?! WOW. Jack picked out some really nice ones when he was in California for work before she was born. They all have matching diaper covers/panties. Very sweet. She finally can touch the floor in her Jumperoo so the towel is gone and she had a blast. She is completely sprawled out in her crib napping she worked so hard.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

V-day surprise for both his girls!!!

What a man I have!! Jack left for work earlier than he needed to this morning and I assumed it was because of the crabby mood I have been in lately and work was better than being I was wrong....a little while later he came up the stairs with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me that he ordered a week ago and the sweetest teddy bear for Kailey. I am glad I put her in the "dad's little princess shirt". We handed the bear to her and she immediately loved it. She hugged it!!! I was tearing up and grabbed the camera as quick as I could. This melted Jack's heart...she loves her daddy.
p.s. Don't forget to check out the post below...2 in one day!!!

Kailey Tries Some Cereal!!!

What a blast that was!!! She may be a bit early according to the local 'experts' but they also say when they double their birth weight they typically are ready for cereal and I know she is 14 lbs by now. I got the kind that you add formula to so I let her drink what she wanted of her bottle, because obviously that is the most important, and then with the couple of oz. she left behind I used the cap of the bottle and mixed in a tsp of rice cereal. She instantly blew raspberries and got it all over the place. She gabbed the entire time but she managed to swallow some and liked it a lot. At the end she even opened her mouth when the spoon came close. So funny. She really wants to help with her hands but this doesn't surprise me at all since from day one she has been very 'helpful'. It is going to be a blast feeding her solids in a few months. For now I think we will just do a tsp. in the morning for excitement before her bath...definitely before her bath!!! I took a video of this and I apologize that it is sideways but I had a blonde moment and forgot that I cannot rotate video like pictures. ;-)

Click on this link below and turn up your speakers!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Much Better Day So Far.

Last night she refused her last bottle from me & I really needed a Kailey break as I was teetering on the brink I am sure, so I asked Jack for help. He fed her and she took 5 oz. from him so that left me happy and also sad. I suspected I had something to do with this and obviously I was right. Jack was trying to make me feel better by saying that he just got lucky or he had a bottle that was working but I know she was feeding off my anxiety I am sure. She went to bed @ 10pm with only 22 oz. in her and didn't wake up until her usual 8am. She was happy and gabbing so I changed her diaper and that is when I realized the diaper didn't hold and her and her bed were soaked :-(...poor thing. After I changed her I made up a bottle while finding my 'Zen' and she drank 5 oz. without one complaint. WHAT?! She had a bath and went for a nap. Her next bottle was at 11am and she drank 4.5 oz (she would have had more but I only made up that much and I didn't want to chance a fight with the re-latch). She was happy the whole time. We went to Wal-Mart to get her the next size up in diapers to use for nighttime while we use up the current ones during the day. The ones she has been wearing are supposed to be good for up to 18 lbs so I thought we would be ok for a while but I guess not. Two people (ladies) looked in the cart at her and she was all smiles and even started talking to one lady....very very loudly. She wasn't playing strange at all so this is another head scratcher.

Oh yeah, I changed the template of the Blog for something different. I know it is not pink but she also looks good in blue...haha.

I can thank Zoe for helping Kailey with her sitting. Zoe rests her big head on the edge of the bed and Kailey manages to get her balance by staring and leaning toward her. Zoe is just hoping she falls toward her so she can lick her so she waits patiently.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Sitting up!!!

Here is Kailey sitting up unassisted. WOW!! We have made major progress with this. We have been practising every day and today was the first time she sat up with her back straight. Yahoooo Kailey Bear!!

So, her last 2 bottles were horrible. She drank only 3 oz. then the next one was 3.5 oz. What am I supposed to do? If she doesn't make min. 20 oz. today then I have to take her in. I wonder what the problem is...very strange. I gave her Tempra and we will see if that makes the next bottle better for her. I know if they are teething some babies will eat very little and make a fuss while sucking because of the pain. I have no clue and I feel so helpless and depressed. :-( She is hungry (normally by this time of day she has had double of what she has had today) as she is sucking her fingers and will suck on my finger like mad, but a bottle way. I know she really has to work to get the milk out of the Avent but others are too fast so what am I supposed to do now? Wait it out? See if it gets better? She doesn't have a fever and is not sick from what I can tell. When the bottle is not in site she is happy. I probably screwed this up somehow...just like I screwed up the nursing. Can you tell I am spent and totally drained?! :-( Is this just part of Motherhood? Feeling like a total failure? Feeling like you are totally to blame for every little thing that is not 100%? No wonder people become depressed after pregnancy. Oh yeah, my hair is falling out at an alarming rate too. Other than all this life is good :-S.

Only 3 oz. before bed!

I thought for sure I would be up all night with Miss K due to the fact that she only took in 23 oz. all day and three of those were her last bottle. She actually slept 8 hours straight on that small amount of formula so I learned a ton from this. She has been eating 29-31.5 /day but I guess she will have light eating days and I just need to back off and not worry so darn much. She has been fighting bottles like crazy so I tried two new ones that appeared to be working better than her originals, but they flow too fast for her and she ends up choking and formula runs out the side of her mouth and of course this upsets her. She was really tired when she ate from one of the new ones so her sucking wasn't at full K-bear potential, but when she was wide awake there was no way that was a good situation. She has a very powerful sucking reflex so we are back to the original ADVENT with #1 nipples. She took 6.5 this morning and didn't fight the re-latch at all. I noticed something very important with these bottles though. The flow depends entirely on how tight you tighten the ring/nipple portion. I can adjust the flow to the point where a #1 flows way too fast. She had two faulty #2 nipples that I found so this would likely explain why she was upset at some feeding and ok with others. These are brand new, but one of them barely lets milk out and the other one flows like a tap.....grrrrrr. In total I have tried 5 different bottles and it really is frustrating for a new Mom to have so many choices....whatever happened to a simple bottle and nipple??? Without all the fancy valve systems, anti-colic nipples, collars, venting, bumpy nipple for teething & variable flow nipple that will only work if you bite down to open the hole. I was so fed up last night. All I want to do is feed my baby and do the best I can but when my equipment lets me down, Kailey and I lose all trust. :-( I am very lucky to have such a nice natured little girl. Through all this she is still laughing, talking (I really don't think anything would stop that now) and generally very happy. Last night when I lost it I was crying right along with her and this is the second time she has done this now (much better than her laughing at me), she put her little hands on my face and looked deep into my eyes with such a loving look. She had big tear drops running down her face and she managed to smile at me. She is such an awesome little girl and she trusts me and I do not want to let her down. I guess I need to ease up on myself because what good would I be to her if I was in some mental institute because of a breakdown?! All my life I have taken every job too seriously so I need to learn to relax and breathe...wish me luck with this one cause it will be my greatest challenge :-).

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Nan and Grandpa Denis come to visit

It was a short visit but it was just awesome & so worth it to see her Nan holding her again. Kailey was awake for most of the visit so I was happy about that. She remembered Mom (or didn't play shy) but wasn't totally confident with Denis. She told Mom all about her life while laying naked on the changing pad...hahaha. She wore her little blue velvet dress and pantie combo and was pretty cute I think. She really likes the fact that the dress is like her own handy face cloth as it is always in her mouth it seems. I really wish we were closer to Edmonton, it just breaks my heart sometimes, but it is those little visits that mean so much. I really wish there was a way we could move closer but unless the Air Force up and moves we are pretty much stuck here.

I am starting to make videos of her that I think you will enjoy. The latest one is of her talking to Jack. Have I mentioned how much she gabs now?!...ALL DAY she is talking. Very funny noises are coming out of her now and some of them even shock her. She let out this mega squeal and it scared her enough that she started to cry. My sensitive little girl...jeez I wonder where she gets that from???? lol

Another new development that I just love is the fact that she likes to snuggle cheek to cheek. I hold her on my chest and she put her little cheek next to mine and just makes little sighing noises or falls asleep like that. We both end up with rosy cheeks from this but I just love how snugly she is. I swaddled her yesterday and that is really when I realized how big she has become. :-( It was nice wrapping her up but I cannot believe that the white blanket I used barley does the job and just a few short months ago she got lost in all the fabric of it. WOW!!!

Her videos can be found in the photo bucket site under Videos (funny that...hahaha).

Friday, February 09, 2007

Not a Creature was stirring...not even a DOG?!

All was very quiet this afternoon at the Ruggiero house. Everyone, except myself, took a nap at the same time. You could hear a pin drop which is very strange for this household. As you can see from this picture it is obvious why she wasn't a fan of side sleeping. This is her favorite sleep position. She seems to be turning her head more too so that is good.

We tried two new types of bottles and we are back with the original AVENT as the others were way crummy compared to what we have. We bought a Nuby and she sucked like mad and not a drop came out. Jack cleaned it and he tried sucking on it and he couldn't get a thing out of it was comical seeing Jack sucking on a light purple bottle - ummmm, do not bring this up to him please. lol. I guess you have to bite down to open the valve...thanks but next. Playtex has been making bottles for years so I thought I would try that one. The Playtex advance to be exact....crap. It leaks, I cannot shake it at all, parts are made of crummy plastic but she drank from it without an issue. Her last bottle was with the Avent and she took it just fine?! She drank 6.5 oz. without much fussing at all. Maybe she realized how lucky she has it with the AVENT system...hahaha. She went to bed at 9:30pm - actually put her to bed during a commercial of Grey's Anatomy and she slept until 9am!! She was very hungry and drank 7 oz. with three stops and re-latched without a problem. Her last bottle (12:30) was the same way...she took 7 oz. re-latched no problem. I have no idea why...but I will take it.
She sure was gabbing this morning - for two hours straight to be exact. She is making all sorts of new noises that are hilarious now. I think she is calling me in her own sort of way too. I was in the kitchen washing bottles and I could hear her talking and then it got loud....squeal...pause...squuuueallll...pause. In her way it was a mommy call. I came to the living room and she resumed babbling at a normal volume. I guess she wanted to talk to me about why she was a pain with her bottles yesterday. lol She is enjoying tummy time a lot more now. She is getting stronger by the day.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Some New Developments!!

First off, doesn't she look cute in this onsie? Betty Poop. Thanks Auntie H.
So, side sleeping is going to be saved for naps and if she happens to roll herself there. She doesn't mind the position at all (so it appeared), but she has been waking up earlier and then night before last she woke up at 3am where I popped a soother in her mouth and she was happy until 5am when I fed her and put her back down until 9am. This is so unlike her and I noticed that she was also stirring a ton more since the position change. So I did a test as I wanted to make sure she wasn't getting up because of hunger pains...last night she was back on her back with her head turned to one side and she slept from 9:30pm - 8:15am...not a peep. She woke up gabbing not crying so back to the back it is!! She is napping right now on her side so it is good for short bursts I guess.
Feeding her has become somewhat of a challenge for some reason. She pulls off at about the half way mark (say 3 oz.) and gets burped and then she will not want to re-latch for some reason. This is bringing back terrible memories of my nursing days...same thing happened then. Suck...Suck...Suck....pull off and freak. :-( I gave her tempra for her last bottle and she took it much better than the ones throughout the day...could it be teeth??? Today she is doing better but the last bottle I had to give her a longer break (about 15 min) and then she drank the last half of the bottle no problem. Weird. She is on a faster flowing nipple as I thought that she was getting frustrated with how slow the other one was. Who knows.
I guess she is in a playing strange phase right now with people...booooooo. My friend took one of my pups to the Vet for me and when he dropped him off he came in to see Kailey and she smiled at first then when he got closer out came the lip. He picked her up and she was OK at first then started to cry. Yikes!!! When Jack was barely home for one week due to work she played strange with him a little bit too...I guess this is a stage most infants go through although not until later apparently.
She can sit on her own for 3-5 seconds now. The harder the surface the better, the bed is still too soft but she has a blast tipping over. Her crib is more firm so we practice there.
She is starting to roll from her tummy to her back...looks hilarious and she huffs and puffs and even grunts but the first time she did it she was totally impressed with herself. :-) This may have been a fluke the first 2 times as she hasn't wanted to today at all.
Her hair is growing enough that she wakes up with bed head!!