Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Early Christmas present.

We gave Kailey an early Christmas present after we discovered how much she loved the play house in the clinic. Wal-Mart had a great deal on Little Tykes plastic play ships. It comes with two pirate costumes so her and Connor will be sporting these the next play date for sure!!!! She loves this. She brings her sippy cup and sometimes a Parker or a Marley come in with her and she shuts the door and enjoys some 'K-Time'. She loves it when you knock on the door. She gets a real kick out of answering it. She also likes the ship's steering wheel. I say..."Ice burg straight ahead" and I taught her to spin the wheel like crazy...way too funny. Jack thinks I am a geek for making reference to a movie that is 10 years old, but hey....anything for one of those Kailey laughs!!!!

I had to include these pictures of her in the chair she got from Nan and Grandpa Denis for her Birthday. She loves sitting in it and it is worth taking a picture because these are those few precious times she is not in motion.