Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Recent Pics

I am too zonked to write all the new and exciting things in little Kailey's life, but here are a few highlites:

-She says 'shoe'....all the time. I bought her some cute red leather shoes that squeak when she walks (not as annoying as you may think and it gives the dogs something to ponder). She can be totally naked and all she cares about covering are her feet with the shoes below. Makes it tricky to take them off for naps and bath time.
-She is still eating non stop and loving pretty well everything we put in front of her.
-Mostly down to one nap a day and with that, an earlier bed time. Usually 6:30pm and the earliest she will wake up is 7ish so we are lucky. If there is action she will stay up partying as long as her body will let her. The picture below was taken this past weekend when we had friends over (way past her bed time).
-She RUNS.
-She can summer salt...yikes.
-She has a fascination with lipstick and you can see below that her aim is really quite good.
-She tried to groom the dogs using the handle of the brush.
-She scolds (ok...screams like a Banshee) if the dogs take a cookie out of her hand. She will also chase them down and points her finger at them and everything.
-She is a dancing machine.
-She loves tuna salad.
-Still smells EVERYTHING.
-Has this annoying 'Wolverine' maneuver that we are trying to nip in the butt right away. (swipes like a cat at you for a laugh).
-Became a lot more sucky. Gives me hugs and kisses all the time....I LOVE HER SOOO MUCH!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Great visit and a few other tid bits.

Dad and Diane came out this weekend for a visit and it was a great time. Kailey was very entertaining as always. They were amazed at how mobile she is and how much she eats!!! hahaha.

She took her first stroll through our mall the other day and she made quite the scene. She was so proud to be walking like a big girl that she stopped and said 'hi' and gave her cute 'royal' wave to anyone within a 2 meter radius. She even went into Athlete's World to look around and walked up to the till to introduce herself. She made a ton of new friends and some of the older ladies became very nostalgic watching her. It was so amazing...UNTIL....she headed for the Christmas display where Santa sat. She ran as fast as her chubby thighs would take her when she spotted the lights and trees all while saying 'WOW' and 'OH'. She managed to become part of the display and when I grabbed her and picked her up that is when the other, not so sweet, side came bursting forth, although very entertaining for on-lookers. She threw a temper tantrum...lovely. I just walked away while singing the Sound of Music while she proceeded to try to kick me...awww, what a sweetheart. She managed to get control and we were off to pick up some groceries. I felt the red in my face and started sweating - lady speed stick don't fail me now!!! hahahaha.

What a keeper picture the above is hey?! Little fishy face. This is her - I need a laugh face.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Kailey and Connor's X'mas

Last night we went over to Chris and April's so Kailey and her BFF Connor could exchange gifts. They haven't seen each other in a while due to hectic schedules so we were all waiting in anticipation for their 'reunion'. Lets just say...nobody was disappointed. Kailey walked up to him and backed him up against the wall and kissed him several times and stroked his hair. The poor boy really couldn't escape her advances. It was sooooo cute. They played so hard together for the rest of the night. They had a few head-on collisions - mainly due to Kailey trying to give him bear hugs that caught him off guard. They shared toys very well together, but you could tell when they were both getting tired as they we less willing to give up their 'prize'. For some of the night Connor was chasing Kailey and she would race over to me laughing and wanting me to hug/save her. I included some pictures of the 2 of them so you can see what I am talking about. ;-)

I know you have all see Kailey sporting the sweet doggy hat that her Nana made for her. My Nan made another animal hat and this time it was a Cat. So now Kailey and Connor are stylin' together.

Pictures from the 26th and 27th

As are pictures from Boxing Day & our visit with Colin, Heather and Robbie.

Kailey and her Gido dancing on Boxing Day.

I love this picture of Colin (my Brother) and little Robbie (my super cute Nephew).

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas Eve/Day pictures.

I uploaded the pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Boxing Day and our visit with Robbie are to follow. :-)

This was an amazing Christmas and I thank my family and great friends for making this a very special time for all of us. Kailey is one lucky little girl to have such a large group of thoughtful, loving and kind people in her life.