Last night we went over to Chris and April's so Kailey and her BFF Connor could exchange gifts. They haven't seen each other in a while due to hectic schedules so we were all waiting in anticipation for their 'reunion'. Lets just say...nobody was disappointed. Kailey walked up to him and backed him up against the wall and kissed him several times and stroked his hair. The poor boy really couldn't escape her advances. It was sooooo cute. They played so hard together for the rest of the night. They had a few head-on collisions - mainly due to Kailey trying to give him bear hugs that caught him off guard. They shared toys very well together, but you could tell when they were both getting tired as they we less willing to give up their 'prize'. For some of the night Connor was chasing Kailey and she would race over to me laughing and wanting me to hug/save her. I included some pictures of the 2 of them so you can see what I am talking about. ;-)
I know you have all see Kailey sporting the sweet doggy hat that her Nana made for her. My Nan made another animal hat and this time it was a Cat. So now Kailey and Connor are stylin' together.