Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 12, 2010

One more cute thing...

When we were leaving Kim's house to head to class she was so worried when the boys were getting too close to Ella.  She was very very concerned and told them to back up and look with their eyes only.  Then she asked me why we were leaving her sister...'are we getting her again?...why can't she come and watch?
...I am going to miss'did her'.  She had to give her a hug and a kiss good-bye and she told her she loved her and she will come pick her up really soon.  We picked her up and she was so excited to tell her about everything she did, all while Ella's eyes were massive taking it all in.  Then she promised her that when she was a little bit older she will bring her to class with her.  Sooooo cute.