Here are Ella's stats from today.
Height: 24.5"
Weight: 15 lbs 11 oz.
Head: 41.8cm
She is now matching her weight and length percentile wise so I am glad I am getting pictures of all those sweet rolls while I can. All of her numbers are in the 70-75th percentile range. I noticed recently she is out of a ton of her clothes and I guess I was right...she is getting longer. She was soooo funny smiling and cooing at everyone that would look at her. She was so sweet and happy even though I had to wake her up from her nap to get her ready to go. She tested her volumes when the needles came though - my ears actually popped...wowza. She settled right away with some nursing - this is one of the major advantages of BF'ing that is for sure! Kailey is quite concerned with her little needle marks and grabbed her special blanket for her and her new dress. She was a few inches from her face and was whispering, "I know baby...I know...Kailey is's a brave girl..." So adorable seeing her care so much for her sister.