Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My 6 month old baby...

Hard to believe that my little Ella Bella is half a year old today.  Where did the last six months go and how can I make the next six go much much slower?  We had her Dr. check up today and I was there all ready with a clean diapered, full-bellied Ella and they told me I got the time wrong.  My appointment was actually for 10:30am not 9:30am...grrrrrr.  Off to Timmy's we went and she had a nice little cat nap and woke up when we arrived back in the waiting room.  She was all smiles and full of energy.  I do believe I saw a bit of her party animal sister in her today.  She had one of the Nurses laughing when she was trying to weigh her.  Anytime she would touch her she would break out into a belly laugh.  She was very interested in making eye contact with everyone in the waiting room and would beam at them when they would acknowledge her.  I wasn't too sure what kind of mood she would be in seeing as she was out right at nap time...I guess the little catnap helped.  So she is very healthy and and bright eyed according to her Dr.  Her stats:

weight: 18.6 lbs (90th)
height:  26" (60th)
head is also in the 90th. 

The height is quite accurate as she stretched perfectly for the Nurse. So, she is maintaining that girlish figure. hahaha

She is officially sitting up for extended periods of time now and she is soooo happy to have something more that she can do.  Kailey is quite proud of her little sister as well.

I have some pictures I need to get off my camera and a short video of Kailey performing her newest 'live in concert' routine. 

My house is very very quiet without miss Kailey Bear.  Her and Jack are in Lloydminster for the day with Zoe and Shilo while Zoe gets some dental work done and Shilo gets his pisser checked out again.  She was so excited to go on a road trip with her Daddy that is for sure.  They are going out to lunch at Kelsey's, shopping at Home Depot and checking out the mall.  :-)