Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 03, 2010

all about curly.

 After much deliberation, this is what we (I) decided she would wear for her school pictures.  She had mentally picked out the most 'perfect'er' outfit that consisted of a purple tu-tu, Hannah Montana wig and play high heels...maybe not Kailey.
 This is her Halloween costume we picked out yesterday.  It took her almost an hour to decide what costume she wanted exactly.  She got to try it on just for this picture as I know it would be totally trashed by the time Halloween rolls around.  Really wanted her to be Tinkerbell or another Princess, but she really really really wants to be a witch - in this case a 'blingy witch'.
 She is loving dance class and since the rest of the girls are starting to get into wearing the gear I just had to hook her up in ballerina duds...sooooo cute. 

This is apparently one of the moves she was taught yesterday in class - kind of doubt it, but whatever...hahaha.