Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Just have to brag!

So I have been wearing my pre pregnancy jeans and pants this week. I am surprised at how fast I was able to get back into my jeans. It was funny trying on some of my maternity tank tops that were skin tight just three weeks ago and now they hang on me. :-) She will be three weeks old Monday at 8:08pm. I cannot believe how fast the 3 weeks have gone by and I cannot believe how much I have grown as a person too. Having a baby puts things totally in perspective. Things that were important to me before are no longer at the forefront (like having a freshly cleaned house and 8 hours of sleep for instance).

On another note...My little Kailey Bear has been wonderful at night. She goes to bed around midnight to 1am and then wakes up at 4:30ish for a feeding then back to bed until 8-8:30am. I will take this as it is much better than the crappy 1.5-2 hours she was giving me before. She doesn't wake up happy sometimes and she most definitely doesn't get that from me (wink). She is a girl that knows what she wants and you have to respect that. I anticipate she will be jogging before crawling. If only I could find a way to keep her hands out of her face while I feed her, clothe her, bathe her and dress her. My theory is she is going to be a brain surgeon because hands like those must be put to good use ;-).

That's all for now. Pictures to follow.
