Miss Muffet was an Angel again yesterday. No fits of crying that lasted more than a minute or two, except for her bath. She kept the the exact same schedule only this time she fell asleep even that much faster for Jack. He popped her in the bassinet before 11pm and she didn't stir until 3am. It was easy using the powder formula in the night as I had it pre-measured in a container and the bottle of water ready to go...shake...shake..shake and tada. She really like this new stuff and I really hope it works ok. She had a poo that was not painful to pass for her and didn't smell like death ( am I really writing about poo?). I am thinking I may switch to concentrate or RTF as there is just something unsanitary about sticking my hand in the container and scooping formula out. I know people always do this but it just seems weird that I am sterilizing everything and then I stick my paw into the container and fiddle around with a scoop. Hmmm. I will have to do more research.
I know the onsie in the picture is rather boyish but this was one of the first things I bought and I was thinking I was having a boy that week. Plus, c'mon it has a Golden Retriever on it.
Shari, who is keeping her fingers crossed this is not a calm before the storm situation!!! :-)