Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Her Banky and her Binky...

So it would appear that this little girl will be likely taking her most prized possessions with her on her first day of school and maybe her first date. Everyone knows how into her soother she is but what you don't know is she is also in love with her Banky (I did not name this, that is what it is called). Her Banky is a combo blanket toy that Char, Ron and Julie picked up for her when they were in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and it is a real hit with Kailey. She loves the fabric and brings it to her face and rubs it on her cheeks and apparently it tastes just amazing as It is actually the perfect size to keep her legs toasty warm. It washes up amazing too. There you have it...if you are trying to figure out a gift idea for a new baby I recommend this product...hahaha.

So last night I was pretty concerned that I would be up ALL night as Miss K took 4.5 oz. at 7:30pm and stayed up until about 9pm and then crashed. We woke her up for a diaper change and her last bottle but she only took 1 oz. at 10pm...Warning bells ring. She actually slept until 6am and only woke up to take another bottle and then she was out until 9am!! I was shocked. I guess she is trying to tell me that she wants to go to bed earlier. For the past three nights it has been awful trying to get her to drink that last bottle so we are trying a new plan....5 bottles - 5-6 oz with a faster flowing nipple as I think she was stalling out on the last 2 oz. as it is hard work for her when she is pooped from a long day of playing. Her last bottle may be as early as 7:30pm (tonight it should be 9pm the way it is looking) but it obviously doesn't phase her. We will wake her up for a diaper change before we go to bed if she crashes out too early as I really don't want her laying in that all night. Safe to say every day may be different but what I do know is the final bottle time is 100% dependant on when she wakes up in the morning. I was just so thrilled that she made it through the night like that. Only 22 oz. for the day but maybe she is done growing for now.

We had an outing today...
I took her to work for a couple of hours and she loved it. She was awake for most of the time and just thought it was awesome to be out of the house (I did too). After that I took her to Extra Foods to pick up some big girl bottles and I thought that I would give myself a little work out by not getting a cart for her...I carried her through the store with one hand and had the basket of stuff in the other. I had a guy stop me and tell me I should have used a cart ( thanks Capt. Obvious). It was a work out and I was sweating by the time I got up to the counter....phew.

That's all for now.
