That was a looong time spent at the Hospital today. WOW. My Dr. was behind by 40 min and I was there 15 min early. In total, we were there for 2 hours. She had a blast. She was a complete angel. Loved her Doctor, loved all the people in the waiting room, was quiet as a mouse during the exam, made an old guys day by giving him the biggest grin she could work up and sat very still and didn't cry for her x-rays. Everyone she saw commented on her happy disposition and how pretty she is....awwww and that just made her smile even bigger. They kept saying....this is when she will cry...nope. Made this Momma proud. According to the Doc. the 9 month appt will not be as easy. Most kids are not happy campers to be there at that age in his experience. So he soaked up all her smiles now he said. So, she hates the Health Unit and all the Nurses there because they cause her pain I guess. Not looking forward to her next shots, May 15.
On to the goods...
Her eating/vomitting issues: He is concerned about her eating/feeding issue and she is being referred to a specialist at the Stollery. The great part is he will travel here. Phew. Right away he suspected GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), but then he took one look at her smiling face and he said typically GERD babies are very fussy esp. when you lay them on their back. Also, she should be spitting up more frequently. We all know she is a very happy baby when she is not on a bottle strike or having tummy pains. She is obviously gaining weight very well so what she doesn't eat or throws up, she is making up for after the episode is finished. Still, it is worth further investigation as this is not normal....finally someone believes me.
On to her head shape: He didn't mention it at all when he was examining her and measuring her until I mentioned what the Health Unit Nurses said ref. band therapy and needing a referral to the Stollery. He examined it closer and said that he is 90% sure once she is mobile and off of it more it will re-shape itself. This is causing her no disfiguring of her facial features and her circumference is right on par with her height and weight (in fact it is smaller). He said he has all sorts of patients with way more obvious/bizarre head shapes than Kailey. One of the most common is what he called hammer shaped. Sides are squished and the forehead and oxciput jet out. Regardless, he sent her down for her first X-ray. The lab was backed up too so that was another looong wait in the waiting room. They took three X-rays of her head that will be analyzed and if there is any concern he will call me immediately. During the same appointment with the speacialist, he will address her head shape and if there is a need for positioners. Dr. Stander said there was no way in his mind, but because the Nurses reacted so dramatically he needs to follow up. I honestly cannot wait to be rid of those bloody women.
So, I wait to hear from the dude from the Stollery and we go forward from there. I feel like a big weight has lifted off just knowing that 1/I am being taken seriously & 2/We will have some answers.
Oh yeah her stats:
Weight: 19 lbs - 90 percentile
Height: 27.75" - 92 percentile
Head: 45 cm - 85 percentile