Just when I thought I had her feeding issues all ironed out.....
I was wrong. The only thing I had left to try was to eliminate the Omegas and try her on the regular Good Start. She was doing great and I was feeling like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders and then she started the usual refusing to eat and crying after 1-2 oz. She then barfed her little guts out to the point where all she had left was bile. There is nothing worse than holding your baby and feeling her entire body heaving, tears streaming down her cheeks and looking at you like...do something Mom. I feel like I am letting her down. I give up. I have tried everything now including the LF formula she was on before and did great on. Thank God she is going to the Dr. a week from today for her 6 month check up. I am sure I will hear the same thing as I have been hearing from the professionals for the last 5.5 months....she is gaining weight steadily and she is the picture of health. What they do not understand is the fact that if it wasn't for me making her eat when she is going through these bottle strikes she would be skin and bones. As a test, I let her eat only what she could stand & it was less then half of her 'normal' intake which according to the Nurses is already low for her size. We are talking maybe 10-15 oz. What is a Mom to do? I am totally exhausted from this. I went through the notes I took when I first got her home & it brought back the memories of her refusing to Nurse - absolute refusal so I guess I am so totally done with feeding issues and I want answers. I don't think I can last another half a year with this. I am hoping that her Doctor will try to find a solution and either refer me or offer any other suggestions I haven't already tried. Is there something wrong with her tummy? The good news is she likes solids and I think her having something else in her stomach delayed the pattern by a few days. It was about two weeks rather the 10 days.
On another, more happier note, I took Kailey to Wal-Mart & had her in the snugli rather than the stroller. She was one happy little gal. We were there for about an hour and she was so pumped and gave a ton of smiles. Quite a few people said hi to her and I could see her break out into smiles by looking down and seeing those chubby cheeks of hers. It is very easy for her to grab stuff off the hangers though so I had to really watch. I took her to the mirror aisle and she had a blast. So her favorite aisle in the stroller is storage and it's mirrors in the snugli. She was in a good mood because she had just finished a 7 oz. bottle. I guess the stars were aligned just right because this was the first 'normal' feeding in four days.