Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 22, 2007

yahooo!! My Kailey is back.

It is safe to say my little bear is back from what would be the worst cycle/bottle strike yet. She is taking her bottles and is happy doing so again. Thank God because I don't know what I would have done if I had another week of this. The only thing that we did differently today was change the flow rate on her bottle nipples from a #1 to a #2. In the past this has totally backfired for us, but she just finished her fourth bottle with the new flow rate and she is happy. At first she was choking and I thought to we go, cue the crying, but she just backed off and started sucking less. Not sure if it was that or that fact that all she is getting right now is cereal a couple of times a day. Her bad bottle strikes usually only lasts a couple of days until she does her major vomit and starts fresh. I will start re-introducing other solids very slowly and instead of the suggested three days of the same thing I may up it to 4 or 5 days. She obviously has a sensitive system and maybe she was reacting to one of the items she has been having. Who knows. I am just glad she is back to herself. I wonder how long until the next time :-(. She goes for her appointment Wednesday morning (I thought it was Tuesday so I am glad I looked at the card) ,so I will be curious to hear what he has to say. I am mixing her cereal with formula so she is getting more oz. that way. I made up a whole tray of peas this afternoon so we will try those at some point this week.

She was laughing her guts out this evening when Jack was playing peek-a-boo with her. She loves to be startled, go figure. Most kids cry when they jump out of their skin, but the louder the 'boo' the better. I know she is going to be the one that goes on all the scary roller coaster rides with Daddy while I watch from the sidelines. lol

I can now laugh at this one. One of the major puking episodes she had, Shilo happen to be at my feet when she was in the snugli and he ended up wearing what seemed to be a weeks worth of milk...yuck. Poor dog was covered from heat to tail. All the other dogs thought he was their personal buffet. Into the tub he went for some mega scrubbing.