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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Where Do I Begin?

So Miss Kailey went to the Doctor yesterday afternoon after what would be one of the most horrific days in Kailey history. She was not eating anything, not even her favorite cereal. She was crying pretty well non stop from 7:30am until 10pm. She took a crying break when I had her out in the stroller and at the park as you can see in the pictures below. I was losing it so I called the Hospital and they told me to come right away to see Dr. Stander. After an hour and a half in the waiting room where, surprisingly she was mellow and happy, we saw him. He looked at my face and knew I meant business. Fix my baby now!! He went over her again and, again, is at a total loss. He is calling the Stollery today to see what's up. The only thing he thinks may be causing this is her formula and the fact, like all formulas now, it is iron fortified. All the cereals she has been eating also has iron added so maybe that is why this seems to be getting worse. Some adults and babies have a sensitivity to iron and the main symptom is nausea and vomiting. He recommends I talk to the pharmacist and have them suggest a non fortified formula (I guess they make two or three) and give that a try. He also suggested trying some All Bran (1 tsp) ground up in her cereal once a day. He is the Doctor so I trust him, but there is so much emphasis on the importance of iron formula. I guess it is worth trying it to see if there is a change. I put her back on the #1 nipples because when she is ravenous she gulps too fast and chokes.

The poor thing is hungry you can tell. I will say this again because there still seems to be advice coming my way ref. maybe she is just not hungry, she'll tell you when she is hungry. I do not care how little or how much she is taking in as long as she is happy, healthy and gaining weight. This is not the case, however. She is starving during these bottle strikes and is in obvious pain. If she wants to drink only a fraction of what she normally does in any given day I wouldn't care, but it is the painful crying and obvious hunger that has my Dr. contacting the specialist.

She drank 20 oz over the period of the day and a couple spoonfuls of cereal. While she was sleeping she was sniffling/crying. Those 20 oz. were in 2 oz. intervals & while she was drinking she was crying. Tons of fun. :-(

She just drank 2 oz. out of a regular cup. I thought it would be messier than it was, but what a slow process to give formula that way. She managed a bowl of cereal and apples today and one 6 oz bottle so I am happier about that. She seems to be in somewhat of a better mood too so that is good. She is such a happy girl usually so this is awful seeing her change into a unhappy baby over this.