Just when I thought she was on the mend she woke up from her afternoon nap yesterday and she was very sickly. We went to Wal-Mart to fill the prescription we got. Looks like it is a sinus infection. She is doing much much better this morning. She seems to get worse later in the afternoon so we will see if the drugs are really working after she gets up from her nap this afternoon. I hate to give her medication of any kind, but in this case, it was the only option. I knew something was up (more than a common cold) when she refused to eat anything. I ended up taking her to the Dr.'s (2 hours later we actually saw someone...grrrrr). Even though she was so ill she managed to make the waiting room laugh a few times...go figure. We had to go to Emergency since we could not get in to see anyone from her clinic. We were waiting in a 'curtain' room and whenever she would see someone walking by the curtain she was scream...SHOE while pointing. A few nurses had to peek in to see and then the show was on - smiling, giggling and generally being a little comedian. If it wasn't for the pound of green goo coming out of each nostril I am sure they would have sent me to the psych ward - this child is not sick...hahaha.
Anyway, the first pictures were taken before the medicine kicked in and the last ones were taken after a few doses of the bright pink stuff (Amoxil) she thinks is rather tasty. What a difference.
And After...Party Time!!! I feel much better Mom.