Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Oh My Kailey...

We always wrestle with Kailey trying to get that last diaper change completed before the bed time routine begins. It is so frustrating sometimes. She hates wearing diapers so I decided she could run around her room bare bottomed for a little bit. She loves to feel free I guess. She walked over to her dresser and opened the drawer that has her undies, socks and tights and decided to pick out some big girl panties for herself. I put them on her and she was so excited. Wait for it......well, she took them off and put them in her mouth and shook them like a dog and then smelled them and put them on her head like they were a hat all while laughing her jiggly little butt off. Now she did not get this idea from me...honest. How do you not laugh at this? I almost peed myself, so now I guess when we are actually ready for potty training I may have to curb some rather 'unique' habits.
Below is a picture of the infamous shoes!!! Currently she only wears one and hold the other one in her hand so she can oooo and ahhhhh over it.