Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 10, 2008


My appointment was at 10am today and here are the results from that:

My number are up 25% from Monday afternoon. While this is a good sign that they went up, however, they didn't go up as much as they would have expected for my dates. Still up is much much better than the same or down. He has handed my case over to one of the OBGYN's here that is very well respected and impossible to get in with...usually...and after a phone consult she is very eager to see the results of the ultrasound next week. My ultrasound appointment is for Wednesday at 2pm and then the next day I see Dr. Hansen at 2pm for the final 'yay or nay'. I will know after the ultrasound though. We should see a heartbeat and a fetus. They will then determine what to make of the blood clot as well.

Still a waiting game. Still a very remote chance that this could have a happy ending. Still completely exhausted physically and emotionally. At least I have an end, positive or otherwise, in sight.