Kailey had her 2 year Dr.'s appointment Friday and here are her stats: She weighs - 14.4 kg and she was soooo squirmy that we didn't really get an accurate height but she is tall!!! They put her down for 36". She is very healthy and was doing her part in trying to keep all the people in the waiting room healthy too by handing out anti-smoking flyer's. hahaha.
We have been having some coffee house 'dates'. This is her favorite place to go and hang out. She loves sitting there sipping her juice and carrying on a conversation (usually about colors and the dogs). She was so funny the other day, while we were sitting there she looked over at the canisters of coffee on the shelves and proclaimed in her not so quiet voice, 'oh Dog Food'. I guess it kind of looked like jars of dog food...hahaha. She pretends her juice is hot, so before each sip she will blow on it. You should see this gal polish off a piece of carrot cake now...wow. She calls it 'birfday cake' since that is what she had at her party.
Some of my favorite things she says are:
Awww Pig'a'lick for Piglet
more choc-o-lick keese
bafff time baby - then she takes all their clothes off and 'washes them'
topical juice keese
I TOOOOTED...I did - lovely when we are out. :-)
ooorings keese, pink - wants her ears pierced bad...not going to happen.
oh mommy hug hug hug while her arms are around me....I love this one.
tie daddy shooose on keese - she wants to wear Jack's size 13's.
c'mon Bridgey up - invites her dog onto her bed when I am not looking then says 'oh-oh' when I walk in. hahaha
I git a book, a cin'a'ella book - loves her Princesses
I see Bob Marley...I see Foo Fight'a's
Those are just some. She literally talks the entire day. If she is not talking to me, Jack or the dogs she is on 'the phone' (the phone can be anything...even a fruit leather). I love it.