Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

36 weeks.

Been out of touch lately due to no phone/internet or TV at the new place, but all in all, this was a good thing as we are pretty well all done with the move - even pictures hanging. While I adore technology, it really can be a time sucker. :-) Our phone and internet should be up today with Bell installing Thursday. Our new dishwasher should be delivered today as well. I will be sure to post pictures and a movie/tour of our new digs. I am so happy with the new place...I love it totally. I love everything about it. Kailey is overjoyed and it took her zero time to adjust to the new place. She slept like a log the first night and had a ball helping set up her playroom downstairs. There is so much more space for her to roam around and do her 'menastics/gymnastics'.

Had another Dr. Appointment yesterday morning and all is still well. I have not gained any weight again and he is ok with that so far anyway. I am still barfing in the mornings I get the odd day off from that, but I am kind of used to it now. Only happens in the mornings and there is no warning. On an up heartburn is nowhere near as bad as it was before and that means that the baby is on his/her way down. I am carrying lower now for sure and I resemble a beach ball with legs. Everything is out front. The heart rate of baby was 145 bmp, my blood pressure was 120/85 and the bump measures 36 weeks exactly. I cannot believe how text book this pregnancy is and I am happy for it. After Kailey's pregnancy and the miscarriage I think I am due. I just hope my plan for natural child birth goes according to plan.