Friday, December 18, 2009
Merry Christmas.
I just wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas seeing as I will not have Internet access until after the 29th of December. I will miss all of you this year while we are waiting patiently for the arrival of our newest. ;-) We are settled nicely into our new house and I cannot believe what a distraction it has been for me. Now that things are under control I am feeling HUGE, SORE and TIRED and ready for the baby to come. Funny how that works hey?! Kailey is anxious about getting 'her baby' for Christmas. Everything we have (not many things since we have no clue as to girl or boy) is washed, diapers and such are bought and Christmas shopping is almost complete and it does feel better to know that we are somewhat prepared for this new ones arrival. I cannot believe how far in advance I was prepared for Kailey arrival...this time - not so much. My last day of work is coming to a close and I have very mixed emotions. Even though I work only 4 hours/day, it was 4 hours that I could rely on for having an uninterrupted pee and coffee break as well as adult conversation (for the most part...hahaha). I do not mean for that to sound selfish at all, but it is so hard to find that balance especially when you have been in the field for over 11 years. It just feels funny is all. Kailey will still being going to see Miss Kim for a bit in January as I am worried about her being away from her routine cold turkey and she really likes going to play with the other kids. I feel so emotional - I remember this happening last time I went on Mat. leave too. The time is here, I am really having another baby!!!! I AM HAVING ANOTHER BABY...GULP! Duh, like my reflection in the mirror every morning doesn't say it all, but holy smokes. hahaha.